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Archived 76561198070238376 (tokero)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Branost, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Branost

    Branost New User


    |steamID: Branost
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:34627186
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198029520100
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/micro0110
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198029520100

    |steamID: tokero
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:54986324
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070238376
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198070238376


    This guy try to scam me. But I didn't fall for it.

    tokero: hi
    Branost: hey
    Branost: 1 key for liquor?
    tokero: 1 key fr it right? yah
    tokero: now here's the convincing part
    Branost: im listening
    tokero: see i dont hve a key...
    tokero: but!
    tokero: i can get u one
    Branost: hmm
    tokero: here's how it works
    Branost: do you have 3.11 ref?
    tokero: i hve sponsors that hve me do jobs
    Branost: well sounds like a scam to me
    tokero: get items from people and they give me keys
    tokero: it isnt
    tokero: trust me
    tokero: i know it sounds bad
    tokero: but
    Branost: give me the name of the item
    tokero: if i just take ur item and leave
    Branost: the name of the people
    Branost: no listen why this is a scam
    tokero: then u report me and im done
    tokero: *sigh*
    Branost: you can just tell me the people buying
    tokero: their nemas are
    Branost: and i can sell straight for them
    tokero: naes*
    tokero: names*
    tokero: it doesnt work like that
    tokero: i know them in real life which is why it works
    tokero: so i can get u a key easy
    Branost: ...
    tokero: just trust me with ur locker for 5 seconds
    tokero: and i can get u a key
    Branost: well why dont you tell them to give you the key first
    tokero: or if they dont want it i give it back to u
    Branost: since they know you in real life
    Branost: huh?
    tokero: they ownt do that
    Branost: well i wont either
    tokero: *face palm*
    Branost: its 3.11 ref or a key
    tokero: so difficult sometimes
    tokero: everyone maks it so hard
    Branost: lol listen, im not falling for it
    tokero: it aint a trick
    Branost: you can just go ask them to give you a key first if their your friends
    tokero: because if i just take it u can report me
    tokero: simple
    Branost: why do nt you just get them to come to me?
    Branost: huh?
    tokero: wat?
    tokero: confused here
    Branost: answer the questions
    Branost: ok listen up
    tokero: ok?
    Branost: Why don't the poeple just come to me, you can refer the,
    Branost: secondly
    Branost: Why is it better to get the key from me, then from them since they know you and youre their firend
    Branost: friend*
    Branost: it doesnt make sense.
    tokero: u just blew my brain up
    tokero: just give me the locker for 5 seconds thats all i ask and if i just take it andd leave u report me
    tokero: but give it to me and i'll give u a key
    tokero: and we walk away happy
    tokero: k?
    tokero: ur choice
    tokero: take ur time
    Branost: ok ill think about it
    tokero: k
    Branost: ill get back to you in like 5 minutes
    tokero: ill be here for a couple hours
    tokero: take ur time
    *I close the chat window so I can open it outside of tf2 but i forgot you can't"
    *I continue the conversation*
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Branost: So how does it work? and how long will it take
    tokero: 3 min tops
    tokero: and here
    tokero: i take ur item
    tokero: give it to them
    tokero: they give me a key
    tokero: if they want it
    tokero: if not i get it back
    tokero: and u get it back
    tokero: if they do
    tokero: i give u the key
    Branost: see why would you do that if you get no profit
    tokero: and where's my profit?
    tokero: XD
    tokero: u took the words from my mouth!
    tokero: u phycic?
    tokero: i get a free weapon for every deal i mae
    tokero: sometimes they go out and make deals but they usually make me do it
    tokero: ur decision
    tokero: ?
    tokero: is wat?

    Attached Files:

  2. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, a SR admin will look into this when he / she can.