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Accepted 76561198072500676 (AshleyTisdale)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Krysto2010, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    |steamID: Krysto2010
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:38869527
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038004783
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198038004783

    |steamID: AshleyTisdale
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56117474
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072500676
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/perryful
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198072500676

    Attached pic invhist.jpg - proof of items traded
    Attached pic paypalhist.jpg - proof of initial payment

    Description: Chatlog is unavailable (fml I closed it before I know I could report here and didnt have the mind to screenshot), but a general summary of this trade is as follows:
    We agree on a total price, exchange rep, of which he appears to have plenty from trusted users, but refuses to go first despite my persistence otherwise. I agree to sell him *some* items (the first trade) if he pays $30 first, which he does, then the rest. Still wary, I don't put all of the remaining items up, but still a significant amount added, after which point he runs.
    All his rep seems to check out, though questioning http://steamcommunity.com/id/Imsuchaboss/
    |steamID: ♦ƓƓ♠ derp:3 #joshpeck
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:36185346
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032636421
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Imsuchaboss
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198032636421
    Hints the player was possibly hacked.

    Player added me off of TF2 outpost though has no history there.
    Any assistance in any form would be welcomed.
    Thank you

    Attached Files:

    K3NT096 likes this.
  2. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Small update, the user has since removed the rep-reference from their friends list and gone offline.
  3. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Tracked one of the items taken - was immediately resold with 5 keys for a buds, then flipped for cash. Player who purchased the BMOC http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058037365/ (he is not guilty by any means, simply providing item history). This player (scammer) has already changed their name multiple times and is now going by the name MikeHawk
  4. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Scams for items, then surrounds himself with +rep from his sales to appear as if he isn't a scammer.
  5. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Checked the forums here, there are already two other reports against him for attempted scamming via paypal. Something needs to be done about this guy as soon as possible. I won't rest until I've gathered enough evidence to stop him. No items that pass by him ever seem to show up on item histories, probably because he flips the items so quickly, but asking players who currently have the stolen items has shown they come from him.
  6. ›Segata_Sanshiro

    ›Segata_Sanshiro New User

    They added me to sell me an All-Father for 5 keys (I can sell for 8, so he was either desperate or just wanted keys fast)
    He changed his name after we traded.

    He said "rep me on my profile please" I told him "I'll rep you up on outpost" and he said "No. rep me up on my profile" I said NO IM GOING TO REP YOU ON BOTH (jokingly angry). I went to search his name and couldn't find it so I said "oh you don't use outpost? Weird". I didn't rep his profile after that cus he was fishy and I dont trust people adding me through trades when they aren't even members of outpost.

    Almost immediatly after Krysto2010 added me to warn me he might try to offer cash on my Unusual and scam me.

    But the dude had already removed me instantly after he asked me for rep and i responded with jokes.
  7. ›Segata_Sanshiro

    ›Segata_Sanshiro New User

    He appears to be changing his name each time he trades. it was different when I looked after we traded when krysto warned me bout him.
  8. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Intercepted another scam by this guy.
    BoobbyLicking: hey
    BoobbyLicking: i wanted to make an offer on ur unusual
    BoobbyLicking: i can do 35 dollars
    † WiseChatter.SO †: hmm
    BoobbyLicking: i have rep on my profile
    † WiseChatter.SO †: can we do a middle man?
    BoobbyLicking: u can check
    BoobbyLicking: i have 19 pages of rep
    BoobbyLicking: more than most middlemans
    † WiseChatter.SO †: my middle man has over 25+ :) ill give you link
    BoobbyLicking: ?
    BoobbyLicking: do u not trust me
    † WiseChatter.SO †: i do but i prefer doing it with him trust me hes very trustful
    † WiseChatter.SO †: this is my first time
    BoobbyLicking: i mean
    † WiseChatter.SO †: http://steamcommunity.com/id/residntevl/
    BoobbyLicking: dude
    BoobbyLicking: he has 22 pages of comments
    BoobbyLicking: not 22 pages of rep
    † WiseChatter.SO †: hold on
    BoobbyLicking: sure
    BoobbyLicking: what are u doing may i ask
    † WiseChatter.SO †: hey can you give me your paypal email?
    BoobbyLicking: lol why
    † WiseChatter.SO †: just want to know :)
    BoobbyLicking: i dont have to give mine
    † WiseChatter.SO †: i am interested in the deal
    † WiseChatter.SO †: i just need your email to much sure
    BoobbyLicking: well
    BoobbyLicking: first of all
    BoobbyLicking: since i am sending money
    † WiseChatter.SO †: indeed
    BoobbyLicking: all i need to know is ur email
    BoobbyLicking: i will not send first
    † WiseChatter.SO †: im asking the guy that i wanted to become middleman help from this since hes the one who gave me the hat and so far i only trust him
    † WiseChatter.SO †: he just wants to make sure your not a scammer
    BoobbyLicking: lol but he doesnt actually have rep
    † WiseChatter.SO †: he has lol
    BoobbyLicking: no
    BoobbyLicking: he deosnt
    BoobbyLicking: all of the comments on his profile
    BoobbyLicking: arent rep dude
    BoobbyLicking: rep
    BoobbyLicking: is when people say +rep
    † WiseChatter.SO †: http://tf2r.com/user/76561198035868451.html
    † WiseChatter.SO †: i think it speaks for itself
    † WiseChatter.SO †: very famous member in this site
    † WiseChatter.SO †: which
    Obtained by another attempted scam


    known alt of this player, also attempted scammer
  9. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    JessieJ: hey
    JessieJ: i wanted to say
    Krysto2010: so this your alt?
    JessieJ: good job
    JessieJ: alt?
    JessieJ: alt of who?
    Krysto2010: already have all the info I need
    Krysto2010: you share friends
    JessieJ: good for you :)
    Krysto2010: your MO is the same
    JessieJ: great
    JessieJ: i am glad
    Krysto2010: and now I can intercept you on two accounts
    JessieJ: great
    JessieJ: good job
    Krysto2010: I don't give a crap
    JessieJ: give urself a pat on the back
    Krysto2010: I don't need to
    JessieJ: what are u gaining from this may i ask
    Krysto2010: something to do in my spare time
    JessieJ: well i jus want to warn u
    JessieJ: do u think i am new to this game
    Krysto2010: congratulations, you now have someone who has absolutely nothing better to do
    JessieJ: i have been doing this for over a year now
    JessieJ: i have come across thousands of people like you
    Krysto2010: good for you
    JessieJ: i am glad that u can ammuse urself
    Krysto2010: but no one is truly *like* me
    JessieJ: btw
    JessieJ: i loved selling ur b.m.o.c
    JessieJ: i made the money back and then some
    Krysto2010: I found the guy you sold it to
    JessieJ: yea
    JessieJ: i dont care
    JessieJ: btw
    JessieJ: i know that u have been watching my friends list
    JessieJ: gl from now on
    Krysto2010: don't worry, I can do better
    JessieJ: really now
    JessieJ: because u think u can warn people
    JessieJ: well now u wont know who to warn
    JessieJ: cause u wont be able to see my friends list
    Krysto2010: you'll slowly start to run out of luck
    JessieJ: belive me
    JessieJ: once this account is done
    JessieJ: jus rinse and repeat
    chatlog after he found out I've been blocking his scams

    You guys need to do something about this guy and fast.
  10. JSwan13

    JSwan13 New User

    Put a unusual Fruit Shoot up on TF2 Outpost and within seconds this guy, now under the name "BobbyLicking", added me and offered $115. Krysto2010 added me before I could even respond to his offer and warned me about him. Check the screenshot I posted for full chat-log.

    Trade link - http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/4998819

    Attached Files:

  11. K3NT096

    K3NT096 New User

    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): Just out of interest, how much did you say you were willing to pay for my hat
    COOOOOOKIE: 260 dollars
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): How are you paying?
    COOOOOOKIE: paypal
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): I'm new to real money you see
    COOOOOOKIE: i understand
    COOOOOOKIE: i am a really experienced paypal trader
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): How does it work?
    COOOOOOKIE: well first of all make sure the buyer has rep
    COOOOOOKIE: which i do
    COOOOOOKIE: i have close to 20 pages of  it :P
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): nice :D
    COOOOOOKIE: then once u see his rep,
    COOOOOOKIE: u give the buyyer ur paypal email
    COOOOOOKIE: then u send him the unusual
    COOOOOOKIE: then he sends u the money
    COOOOOOKIE: to ur paypal email
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): ok
    COOOOOOKIE: so what is ur paypal email?
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): I don't have one but my dad does
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): But i don't know if he will let me use it
    COOOOOOKIE: u can make a fake one
    COOOOOOKIE: it takes like 5 secs
    COOOOOOKIE: and u dont need a credit card or anything
    COOOOOOKIE: if u want i can walk u through how to od it
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): hmm
    COOOOOOKIE: hmmm what?
    COOOOOOKIE: hello?
    (UK)_K3NT096_(GDPM): not sure
    COOOOOOKIE: dont worry broski
    COOOOOOKIE: its like making a facebook account :P
    I had my unusual Noble amassment of hats (stormy storm effect) posted on TF2 outpost. This guy http://steamcommunity.com/id/perryful/ contacted me to buy my hat. He has changed his name from "mikehawk" to "COOOOOOKIE". I was informed my Krysto2010 about "COOOOOOKIE" being a scammer. I have never used paypal before as said in the chat log so this waould make me an even easier target for scamming. Thanks to Krysto2010 for the warning.
  12. Krysto2010

    Krysto2010 New User

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Ttttk: hi
    Krysto2010: if this is regarding TF2 outpost, please go back and post before offering, thank you
    Ttttk: no
    Ttttk: its not
    Krysto2010: in that case, how may I help you
    Ttttk: i saw u on steamrep
    Ttttk: reporting some guy
    Krysto2010: darn straight
    Ttttk: like ashleytisdale or something
    Ttttk: well i saw that some other guy
    Krysto2010: one of many names
    Ttttk: like kaosdemon or something
    Ttttk: thinks that some other scammer
    Ttttk: NakoZ
    Ttttk: is his alt
    Ttttk: that isnt true
    Krysto2010: I only deal with his confirmed alts at the moment
    Krysto2010: but he has a distinct MO
    Ttttk: well i jus saw that the kaosdemon guy
    Ttttk: has been going around posting that
    Ttttk: NakoZ is an alt
    Ttttk: of Ashley
    Ttttk: that is completely false
    Ttttk: its actually ironic
    Krysto2010: how does this concern me?
    Ttttk: NakoZ added me yesterday
    Ttttk: and AshleyTisdale or whatever his name is
    Ttttk: prvented me from being scammed by Nako
    Ttttk: i am jus pointing out that NakoZ is not the alot of Ashley
    Krysto2010: may I also note you yourself are IDed as an SR threat, care to explain?
    Ttttk: what
    Krysto2010: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056741394
    Ttttk: yes
    Krysto2010: impersonation and scamming
    Ttttk: i jus wanted to point this out to u
    Krysto2010: some rapsheet
    Ttttk: i used to be a scammer yes
    Krysto2010: I don't deal with "assumed" alts
    Ttttk: but i know that this Ashley isnt a scammer
    Krysto2010: he is a scammer
    Krysto2010: and I know that for a fact
    Ttttk: all i know, and plz tell kaosdemon
    Ttttk: that NakoZ
    Ttttk: is not his alt
    Krysto2010: this is none of my concern, I have no qualms with any other users besides "perryful" and his alt "glitterful"
    Krysto2010: those being his ids
    Ttttk: yes u do
    Ttttk: because u post everywhere
    Krysto2010: names change, IDs do not
    Krysto2010: I post only on pages concerning those two users
    Ttttk: well, i asked u to tell Kaosdemon who reported glitterful
    Ttttk: that gliterful
    Ttttk: is not an  alt of NakoZ
    Krysto2010: is a scammer, and an alt of perryful
    Ttttk: yes
    Ttttk: but not an alt of NakoZ
    Krysto2010: I don't care how NakoZ fits into this
    Krysto2010: I cannot be prejudiced against him
    Krysto2010: that wouldnt be fair
    Krysto2010: in fact, until now, I've never even heard the name
    Ttttk: because Kaosdemon has been teling people that NakoZ is glitterful and perryul
    Ttttk: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/89465146875165-nakoz.12204/
    Ttttk: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/tried-to-scam-using-fake-source-op-site.12198/
    Ttttk: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198035926386-nakoz.12174/
    Krysto2010: well the user he IDed IS the user I'm concerned with, I only posted where he claims to have been scammed by the user I am concerned with
    Krysto2010: if he is convinced that user is an alt of another user that is besides the point
    Krysto2010: he is not me
    Ttttk: well why is kaosdemon posting that NakoZ is perryful
    Krysto2010: and if you think he is wrong, all you simply have to do is tell him
    Ttttk: he is blaming perryful for somethign he didnt do
    Krysto2010: I can warn him not to jump to conclusions
    Ttttk: yes
    Krysto2010: but thats it
    Ttttk: just tell him
    Ttttk: that
    Ttttk: because i know 100 percent
    Ttttk: that perryful and NakoZ are not alts
    Ttttk: of eachother
    Ttttk: NakoZ is a rogue scammer
    Krysto2010: well if he is a scammer, it doesn't quite matter, the lot of them deserve the gallows regardless
    Ttttk: I can tell you one more piece of information
    Ttttk: before I go
    Ttttk: There is a scammer group, consisting of around 8 people
    Ttttk: NakoZ and perryful were part of it
    Ttttk: NakoZ went rogue
    Krysto2010: I wouldnt be surprised
    Krysto2010: but perhaps that can be used to the community's advantage
    Ttttk: I cannot tell you the other people in the group though
    Ttttk: I aswell am a rogue
    Krysto2010: that's a shame
    Ttttk: I dont scam anymore
    Ttttk: well, that all  i wanted to say
    Krysto2010: well his argument is based upon both users using the same name/profile
    Ttttk: i believe this
    Ttttk: can u listen to me
    Krysto2010: hmm, which could possibly suggest some attempt at revenge
    Ttttk: i tlaked to perryful actaullu
    Krysto2010: I can't take your argument as fact, neither can I take his
    Ttttk: as he is a former teamate of mine
    Krysto2010: I have to be impartial
    Ttttk: Perryful took the name of Nako
    Ttttk: and his profile picture
    Ttttk: because he wanted to impersonate him
    Ttttk: to get him reported easilly
    Krysto2010: you folks go to far with this stuff, ya know
    Ttttk: we do not
    Ttttk: on the other had u do
    Krysto2010: I don't see why money would drive you all to make everyone you meet miserable
    Krysto2010: even yourselves
    Ttttk: well i must say
    Ttttk: I know that perryful made around 800 dollars form scamming
    Ttttk: and thats 800 dollars in 2 weeks
    Ttttk: so thats not bad
    Ttttk: but anyways
    Ttttk: hope i helped u
    Krysto2010: no, that's awful
    Krysto2010: because that's 800 that doesn't belong to him
    Krysto2010: that he STOLE from other people
    Ttttk: listen
    Krysto2010: by playing upon people's trust
    Ttttk: stop trying to be some cop
    Ttttk: u arent
    Ttttk: u are jus a kid dressed for halloween in a policeman's outfit
    Krysto2010: I don't intend to be a cop, but I'd like to be able to enjoy TF2 some day
    Ttttk: if u want to enjoy tf2
    Ttttk: then dont trade
    Ttttk: especially paypal trading
    Ttttk: paypal trading is like drug dealling
    Krysto2010: yes, too many of you a✿✿✿✿✿✿s out there out for personal gain. I make my money through fairer means
    Ttttk: u have trust worthy dealers
    Ttttk: u are no better than a scammer
    Ttttk: and calling me an a✿✿✿✿✿✿ wont help
    Ttttk: i am what u would call
    Ttttk: a retired scammer
    Krysto2010: heh, that's a laugh, because you're out to protect another scammer
    Ttttk: yes
    Krysto2010: the fact that you added me specifically annoys me farther
    Ttttk: one scammer protects another
    Ttttk: krysto
    Ttttk: u probably have a very little penis, to be such a rager like yourself
    Ttttk: anyways
    Ttttk: goodbye
    Krysto2010: go home
    Ttttk is now Offline.
    Was randomly added by an IDed Scammer, who had this to say. What a riot. I take it at face value, a scammer talking about scamming and scammers. Probably a scam.
  13. Rainbow Fuckin' Dash

    Rainbow Fuckin' Dash New User

    Tried to scam me out of a bills with paypal
    HERE IS THE CHAT!!!!!!!
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: hey
    Shmeeexy: hey man
    Shmeeexy: i wanted to buy ur bills
    Shmeeexy: btw
    Shmeeexy: the guy who posted on ur page
    Shmeeexy: he is a scammer
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: which one
    Shmeeexy: the one u have a long chain with
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: thats my firend conner
    Shmeeexy: really?
    Shmeeexy: he is banned from outpost
    Shmeeexy: well anyways
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: really
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: i didnt know conner was banned
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: ill ask him later
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: anyways
    Shmeeexy: can i buy ur bills?
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: which one for keys or money
    Shmeeexy: money
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: okay but dont lowball me
    Shmeeexy: i wont
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: i have had 3 lowballs today
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: one guy offered $6
    Shmeeexy: 12 bucks
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: Thats fair
    Shmeeexy: ok
    Shmeeexy: i have 20 pages of rep
    Shmeeexy: on my profile
    Shmeeexy: check it out
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: i will
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: u do but you also have really low hours and an almost empty bp
    Shmeeexy: i sold everything
    Shmeeexy: via paypal
    Shmeeexy: that why i have such little bp
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: and how did u have so much with only 30 hours
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: 35
    Shmeeexy: read my description dude
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: hmm i odntknow im not to comfortable can we use a middleman
    Shmeeexy: lol
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: what
    Shmeeexy: i bet i have more rep that some of ur middlemans
    Shmeeexy: people use me as a middleman
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: we can get a trusted SOurceop middleman
    Shmeeexy: thats how trusted i am
    Shmeeexy: dude
    Shmeeexy: if u dont trust me
    Shmeeexy: with 20 pages of rep
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: btw why do u sometimes put rep on ur own profile
    Shmeeexy: that is really a shame
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: just a question
    Shmeeexy: as a joke
    Shmeeexy: i know im laughing
    Shmeeexy: are u?
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: kinda
    Shmeeexy: great
    Shmeeexy: more than 100 people
    Shmeeexy: have traded with me
    Shmeeexy: and have left satisfied
    Shmeeexy: for much bigger trades thatn this
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: give me sometime to think on it
    Shmeeexy: and if u dont trust me that is sad
    Shmeeexy: so i prefer that u send first
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: i said ill think on it
    Shmeeexy: how long will u need?
    Shmeeexy: may i ask
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: not long
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: bout 15-20 mins
    Shmeeexy: that is actually kind of a long time
    Shmeeexy: and why do u need so long to think
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: u know back on the adding rep to yours that is pretty funny now that i think about it
    Shmeeexy: ikr
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: u know what else is funny
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198072500676-ashleytisdale.12097/
    Shmeeexy: ikr
    Shmeeexy: i think that is super funny
    Shmeeexy: isnt it?
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: not at all
    Shmeeexy: why not
    Shmeeexy: i am laughing
    Shmeeexy: so
    Shmeeexy: will u send first :)
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: when hell freezes over u scammer
    Shmeeexy: haha
    Shmeeexy: did u hear
    Shmeeexy: hell froze over :p
    FLYING MAGICAL HIPPO!!!!!!!!!!!!: btw ur reported
  14. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Adding to notes- so sorry for the wait. Thank you for the report.