|steamID: Krylancelo |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:56619334 |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073504397 |customURL: |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198073504397 Added me, pretended to be a Krylancelo: Im an sOP trusted Seller, and a UTC / SteamRep Community Admin. 2012 m. spalio 14 d. 23:26 - Tarantulo: hey 23:27 - Krylancelo: Hey. 23:27 - Krylancelo: How much exactly are you looking for for you're backpack? 23:27 - Tarantulo: well something allong these lines 23:27 - Tarantulo: http://backpack.tf/id/tarantulo 23:28 - Krylancelo: Meh, that's the full price. 23:28 - Krylancelo: after selling everything, then reselling the keys. 23:28 - Krylancelo: I can offer a solid 280$ USD. 23:28 - Tarantulo: thats a fine offer, I am not looking for a full price of course 23:28 - Tarantulo: hm, do you have SP rep? 23:29 - Krylancelo: Im an sOP trusted Seller, and a UTC / SteamRep Community Admin. 23:29 - Krylancelo: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198006797401 23:29 - Tarantulo: how many times I heard that before 23:29 - Krylancelo: Just take a look. 23:29 - Tarantulo: k sure 23:29 - Tarantulo: 23:29 - Krylancelo: ? 23:30 - Tarantulo: I am looking 23:30 - Tarantulo: and yet you have a private profile? 23:30 - Krylancelo: I just set it, since im trading 23:30 - Krylancelo: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/19873-r-a-w-r-n-e-r-o-z-e-r-o-Trusted-Seller-Reputation-Thread 23:30 - Krylancelo: my SourceOp thread 23:31 - Tarantulo: you know, it takes like 15 seconds to check, steamrep 23:31 - Tarantulo: why bother? Krylancelo is now Offline.