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Accepted 76561198073777660(lmxFTW)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Souls, Jun 1, 2013.

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  1. Souls

    Souls New User

    | steamname: Souls
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40037446
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040340620
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SpaceJam101
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198040340620

    | steamname: lmxFTW
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56755966
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073777660
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198073777660


    Basically the person I was going to try my Battlefury (For $75) asked if we could use him. I checked him out on the legit SteamRep and added him, when suddenly the Fake joined the chat. Luckily I noticed the (2) on his name and caught it before I was scammed.

    12:52 PM - lmxFTW: hello there
    12:52 PM - Souls: Hey
    12:52 PM - Souls: How can I help you
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: i just saw your post
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: on dota2lounge
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: and i'm interested
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: in battlefury
    12:53 PM - Souls: Awesome
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: what is the price for it?
    12:53 PM - Souls: and you don't seem to be from russia
    12:53 PM - lmxFTW: and what payment method you accept
    12:53 PM - Souls: so this might not be a waste of time
    12:53 PM - Souls: Paypal only, more than happy to use a middle man
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: you have dota2traders
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: rep thread
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: ?
    12:54 PM - Souls: Nope
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: your price?
    12:54 PM - Souls: Mind if you give an offer first?
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: well i don't have any idea
    12:54 PM - lmxFTW: :D
    12:55 PM - lmxFTW: so please go ahead and tell me yours
    12:55 PM - Souls: Well then I hope I don't scare you off
    12:55 PM - Souls: but I'd like to get about 80 or so
    12:56 PM - lmxFTW: 75$
    12:56 PM - lmxFTW: ?
    12:56 PM - Souls: Hm
    12:56 PM - Souls: Alright
    12:56 PM - lmxFTW: and we use steamrep
    12:56 PM - lmxFTW: middleman
    12:56 PM - Souls: Yeah
    12:57 PM - Souls: I just had used one before for the first time, mind if we use him again?
    12:57 PM - Souls: I'll link you his profile
    12:57 PM - lmxFTW: ok
    12:58 PM - Souls: I.. can'
    12:58 PM - Souls: Can't find him lol
    12:58 PM - Souls: we'll have to use someone else
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: http://steamrep.co/profiles/76561197992288816/ i just found
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: this guy
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: he is mct admin
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: and sr admin
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: and also middleman
    12:58 PM - lmxFTW: add him if you agree and let's talk
    12:59 PM - Souls: Looks good, I'll add him
    12:59 PM - lmxFTW: ok
    1:00 PM - lmxFTW: you add him?
    1:00 PM - lmxFTW: and speek?
    1:01 PM - Souls: He hasn't accepted yet.
    1:01 PM - lmxFTW: he accepted mine
    1:01 PM - lmxFTW: should i add him to group chat?
    Saturday, June 01, 2013
    1:01 PM - Your chat with lmxFTW is now a multi-user chat.
    1:01 PM - Salty De Leon entered chat.
    1:01 PM - lmxFTW: hi
    1:02 PM - Salty De Leon (2): Hello.
    1:02 PM - Souls: Oh hi
    1:02 PM - lmxFTW: can you be our middleman?
    1:02 PM - Salty De Leon (2): Sure , first of all , make sure you have added me from steamrep.
    1:02 PM - Souls: OH
    1:02 PM - Souls: WAIT
    1:02 PM - Souls: THIS IS A SCAM
    1:02 PM - Souls: HOLY s✿✿✿
    1:02 PM - Salty De Leon (2): http://steamrep.co/profiles/76561197992288816/
    1:02 PM - Souls: That's a different Satly De leon
    1:02 PM - Souls: Then the one I got added
    1:03 PM - Salty De Leon (2): Excuse me?
    1:03 PM - lmxFTW: what?
    1:03 PM - Souls: Ok if you're the legit one
    1:03 PM - Souls: Accept my add
    1:03 PM - Salty De Leon (2): I didn't recive any friend invite.
    1:03 PM - lmxFTW: what is going on?
    1:04 PM - Souls: Cause you're a fake
    1:04 PM - Souls: Lmx I don't know if you're in on it too
    1:04 PM - Souls: but this is a fake
    1:04 PM - Souls: so yeah
    1:04 PM - Souls: f✿✿✿ you
    1:05 PM - Souls: That s✿✿✿ was scary close
    1:05 PM - Souls: If I didn't add him myself
    1:05 PM - Souls: I would have knever known
    1:05 PM - Salty De Leon left chat.
    1:05 PM - lmxFTW left chat.
    1:27 PM - Souls: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Saltiydeleon/
  2. direnLo@noobmagnet

    direnLo@noobmagnet New User

    Victim: | steamname: direnLo@noobmagnet
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45996614
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052258956
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/direnLo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198052258956

    Scammer: | steamname: lmxFTW
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56755966
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073777660
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198073777660

    | steamname: Salty De Leon
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:16011544
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992288816
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Saltiydeleon
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197992288816

    Well i had no luck to see the (2) in his nick because there was none. And he just got my Pudge Set.. scam.jpg

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  3. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    If this user scammed you too, please create your own report.
  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, a SR admin will look into this when he / she can.

    To the other victim, please make a report of your own.

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