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Declined 76561198074909916 (ShooteR)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny, Nov 13, 2012.

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  1. [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny

    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny New User

    |steamID: [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32828382
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025922493
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025922493

    |steamID: ShooteR
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57322094
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074909916
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rollthf✿✿✿
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198074909916?t=1352545350

    http://i.imgur.com/kBMUM.png - Chat
    http://i.imgur.com/hbHnp.png - Profile page

    He added me and asked me to sell the Unusual Knifestorm Ze Goggles. Saying that he wish to pay 180$ or another unusual. I asked one of the unusual he got for deposit, then when he needed to pay he just ran away and deleted me.

    Non rivelare la tua password a nessuno.
    ShooteR: Hello
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Hi?
    ShooteR: Do you selling Unusual Ze Goggles?
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: I'm only accepting offers by now
    ShooteR: I could offer real money .
    ShooteR: Or unusuals.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Make an offer then, what you want to give me for those goggles? ^^ I din't set the price yet, so...
    ShooteR: I could offer 180$ or Unusual merryweather eerie fire.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Paypal?
    ShooteR: PayPal
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: You know that i don't have much rep right? You trust me as i say you should make the payment first, because there's the risk that if i would give the hat, someone can just ran away with it?
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Look, i can even give you my identity card scan btw
    ShooteR: You right buy I have reputation  enough in steam profile + I could send you a scrrenshot of my ballance or give a deposit your choise , but sorry I can't go first , before i was scammer my scumbag who's had no rep and was talking that he is fair guy and other s✿✿✿... So sorry I can't go first.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Damn i'm sorry then ._.' If i could do anything to let you trust me, i'll let you buy the hat. My PayPal is verified too, but still...
    ShooteR: My verifed too.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Well let me see your profile then ...
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Are you on outpost or bazaar btw?
    ShooteR: Bazaar.
    ShooteR: I have stuff in my bp can give as deposit if this need.
    ShooteR: can send you a screen of my pp ballance.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: I'm sorry if i'm bothering you so much
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: I'm just searching in steamrep and so on
    ShooteR: Allright.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: You seem to not have much of an history °°
    ShooteR: yes not much.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: In your inventory there's not much...if there was enough to cover the value of the hat partially maybe
    ShooteR: I traded all my stuff for PayPal around 300$ and all is left for me is 2 unusuals.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Yes i've seen the people commenting on your steam profile
    ShooteR: N&B VRH price is 5 buds and eerie merryweather is around 5-6 buds.
    ShooteR: B/o
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: I've an idea
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: If you want still
    ShooteR: Say it.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: You trade me that for deposit, i'll trade you the ze googles. You pay me, i'll give you the merryweather back
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Isn't that good?
    ShooteR: Fair enough.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Well then!
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: My PP address is
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: *censored personal info*
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Let's trade
    ShooteR: k
    Hai accettato la richiesta di scambio da parte di ShooteR.
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: Okkay
    ShooteR: repeat you email
    [AT] Gunther/LuckyBunny: *censored personal info*
    ShooteR è attualmente Offline.
  2. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    We apologize for the amount of time it has taken us to review your report. We've recently received a large volume of reports and have not been able to process them all in a timely fashion.
    Unfortunately we need a screenshot of your trade history and paypal history in order to make a judgement. If you could provide those, we would be glad to reexamine your report.
  3. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Archiving report - No additional feedback from the victim.
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