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Accepted 76561198075655906 (wizard !™)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Oreos con mayonesa, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. Oreos con mayonesa

    Oreos con mayonesa New User

    Scam did NOT succeed. Reporting only an attempt.

    Potential victim, had I been stupid:
    |steamID: Oreos con mayonesa
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:47702806
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055671340
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/niklas12
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198055671340

    |steamID: wizard !™
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57695089
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075655906
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198075655906

    1. http://imgur.com/u848ZTX
    2. http://imgur.com/gsKYeWg
    3. http://imgur.com/XoHTSkl
    4. http://imgur.com/vyjFeHO
    5. http://imgur.com/1K0zr1m
    6. http://imgur.com/18tdisd He had a comment on his Steam page for this accusation; Linking in case he removes it.

    I had posted my hat on OP. He added me. After saying he was offering money, and through Steam, I knew he was not only rude but a pathetic scammer wanna be. Please note on screenshot 4 I ask if instead of 45 he could do 55, and he agreed inmediately.

    Chat transcript:

    domingo, 28 de abril de 2013
    Oreos con mayonesa: yo
    wizard !™: hi
    wizard !™: what yuo
    wizard !™: want >?
    Oreos con mayonesa: You had added me
    wizard !™: ah okay
    wizard !™: shove me what you sale
    You have accepted the trade request from wizard !™.
    Oreos con mayonesa: i was currently selling those two
    Oreos con mayonesa: alright, what's your offer?
    wizard !™: i don't have ofers
    wizard !™: you want overpay
    Oreos con mayonesa: what's that supposed to mean?
    wizard !™: you sale it real mani ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: yes
    wizard !™: 45 $
    Oreos con mayonesa: oh, i see what you mean
    wizard !™: you sale ?
    wizard !™: ral many ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: *money?
    wizard !™: yes
    Oreos con mayonesa: spanish speaker perhaps?
    wizard !™: what ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: nvm
    wizard !™: what ?
    wizard !™: i give you steam mesage
    wizard !™: and you give me
    wizard !™: it
    wizard !™: okay ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: No, sorry i do not understand
    wizard !™: i give you ral monay
    Oreos con mayonesa: in which form?
    wizard !™: steam supors mesage
    Oreos con mayonesa: oh, you can gift money through steam? i did know that
    Oreos con mayonesa: so, what amount?
    You have accepted the trade request from wizard !™.
    wizard !™: google search steam suports
    wizard !™: okay
    Oreos con mayonesa: 'steam support' ?
    wizard !™: search : steam suports
    Oreos con mayonesa: then what?
    wizard !™: yes
    wizard !™: you see it
    wizard !™: ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: sorry, i don't know what you mean
    wizard !™: username and paswvors chel
    wizard !™: google search : steam suport !
    Oreos con mayonesa: yes, then what?
    wizard !™: press usernam,e
    wizard !™: and paswors
    Oreos con mayonesa: Do you just wnat me to login to steam?
    wizard !™: no
    wizard !™: yes
    wizard !™: yes
    Oreos con mayonesa: lol, ok
    Oreos con mayonesa: done
    wizard !™: :D
    Oreos con mayonesa: sorry, i'm a bit new to this , you know
    wizard !™: you done
    Oreos con mayonesa: yup
    Oreos con mayonesa: Why did you guide me here?
    wizard !™: whan you give me this unusual you have neeb masage and 45 $
    wizard !™: in the masage
    Oreos con mayonesa: ok, i can do 45 for the unusual
    wizard !™: give me unusual
    wizard !™: 60 ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: -.-
    wizard !™: 45
    wizard !™: sorry
    wizard !™: shove me unusual
    wizard !™: give me it and you have measege and 45 $
    Oreos con mayonesa: well, this has been fun
    wizard !™: ?
    wizard !™: what ?
    wizard !™: give me it and i give you masage and 45 %$
    wizard !™: $
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: on steam
    wizard !™: trust me i give you
    Oreos con mayonesa: how about you give me the money first?
    wizard !™: whaen you give me it auto steam gived you monay
    Oreos con mayonesa: oh, ok i didn't know that
    wizard !™: you don't know ::DD:D:
    Oreos con mayonesa: no, sorry i'm a noob at this
    Oreos con mayonesa: derp
    wizard !™: :D
    Oreos con mayonesa: so, i heard about this steamrep page.
    Oreos con mayonesa: do you have one?
    wizard !™: yes
    Oreos con mayonesa: could you link me to it?
    wizard !™: trust me i give you
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: okay ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: yes, i totally trust your awesome grammar
    wizard !™: oaky !
    Oreos con mayonesa: oaky!
    wizard !™: just a momant
    wizard !™: :D
    Oreos con mayonesa: kk
    wizard !™: give me yor name
    wizard !™: steam
    Oreos con mayonesa: i see you would have problems finding that out
    Oreos con mayonesa: 'Oreos con mayonesa'
    wizard !™: you can you search me ?
    wizard !™: okay
    wizard !™: when you give me this unusual then steam auto gives you masage  and 45 $ trust me i don;t lied you
    Oreos con mayonesa: sure
    Oreos con mayonesa: could you perhaps do 55 instead of 45?
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    Oreos con mayonesa: there's this game i want to buy
    wizard !™: okay i give you 55 $ and give me it
    wizard !™: :D:D:
    Oreos con mayonesa: hey, i'll go eat. brb and we'll trade
    wizard !™: what ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: (ie, investigating if i can report potential pathetic scammers or only successful ones)
    wizard !™: okay
    wizard !™: i not scamer
    wizard !™: if i scamed you
    wizard !™: report
    Oreos con mayonesa: kk
    wizard !™: it
    Oreos con mayonesa: i'll go to eat.
    Oreos con mayonesa: brb
    wizard !™: ojay
    wizard !™: how much minute you want >?
    wizard !™: for eat
    wizard !™: when you come told  me okay ?
    wizard !™: you heare ?
    Oreos con mayonesa: yes
    wizard !™: okay
    wizard !™: give me
    Oreos con mayonesa: give you?
    wizard !™: and steam gived you 50 $
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: auto
    wizard !™: you have report yes ?
    wizard !™: if i scamed you
    Oreos con mayonesa: ?
    wizard !™: you know what you do
    wizard !™: give me
    wizard !™: unusual
    wizard !™: and steam auto give you 50 $
    wizard !™: ?
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: go trade
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: what you douing ?
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: ?
    wizard !™: hei !!!
    wizard !™: hei
    wizard !™: give me it and steam auto give you 50 $
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: when you giv me unusual
    wizard !™: steam auto give you 50 $
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: hei
    wizard !™: what you douing ?
    wizard !™ had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    wizard !™: if you don't give me this unusual hat steam don't gived you monay

    Attached Files:

  2. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    Thank you. I have marked this thread as ready for review. A SteamRep admin will continue processing it shortly.
    Hidden Content:
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    Oreos con mayonesa likes this.
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