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Invalid 76561198076651704 BBoothie (SR Scammer) - Alt of "Quit"

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by BBoothie, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. BBoothie

    BBoothie New User


    Earlier today, I tried to add a player called Trippymoons. I added him in reason to offer for his hats/earbuds. He started questioning me why I had these earbuds with such a small amount of time played and I was overly concerned with his constant harassment and critical false proclaimed judgement. I ended up deleting him thinking nothing of it. Later, I tried to join my daily trade server and I couldn't log on because it said "Banned you've been marked as a SCAMMER." I later searched and found this website. I checked the recent posts on the forums and found Trippymoons posting a false thread about me being some guy called "Quit." I actually had contact with Quit (Cpthemonstergamer) and thus the reason I have been marked as a scammer. "Quit" (Cpthemonstergamer) was an Admin on a server that I used to play on, it was the first real server that I enjoyed and many staff on the server helped me get used to the game (at the time I was noobish ). I remember joining in the server and overhearing a discussion about buds/bills/keys/ref and whatsoever. I quickly joined the conversation and they explained to me what the Mannconomy was. I was highly intrigued and wanted my first "Hat". I tried to figure out how I could make some metal myself but I didn't have many weapons and was "Poor" in game. I remember Cpthemonstergamer explaining how he wanted to go off to college or some technical school and he was looking to sell his whole backpack. At the time, I had just received my paycheck from work, I believe it was on a Thursday. I am not going to disclose the amount of my paycheck (don't want anyone to chuckle xD) but I easily had over $90. Cpthemonstergamer had asked if anyone was interested in purchasing his backpack and I was. He was willing to sell his whole backpack for a value of $30 per bud. He checked the value of his backpack @ $90 USD and I asked my friend if this was accurate and after about a half hour of pricechecking, he said it was a good deal (the backpack was valued @ 115 I believe from what my friend said.) So he explained his rules and whatsoever how he was asking to receive the payment and I willingly (being a noob) went first and sent him the gift of $90 USD. About an hour later he messaged me saying he received the payment and he traded me EVERYTHING in his backpack. Now, today in age I am being blamed for one of my friends actions. I am not going to lie, I believed Cpthemonstergamer was a great mentor and friend but you guys have him marked as a scammer. I don't really care about his previous actions because I am not here to defend my extinct friend. I am here to defend myself. I am coming clean saying that I purchased Cpthemonstergamer's backpack for $90 USD (3 buds @ $30 ea). No, he didn't scam me because if he did, I wouldn't have had any of his items in my backpack. I had every single weapon, miscs, hat, scrap he ever owned. I am sorry that I have to make this thread for I am just wasting your time, because I shouldn't be in this situation. I can understand where Trippymoons was coming from but I never knew a guy "Quit", I knew Cpthemonstergamer which ended up quiting and changing his name. So if there is any items in my inventory that can relate to "Quit"/Cpthemonstergamer they were from the $90 Transaction we had before he obviously quit the game for school/university he attended. I hope that my appeal gets accepted for I have not scammed anyone. I wish I could have purchased 3 buds from someone who wasn't marked a scammer so I wouldn't have a target on my back...

    Thanks for your time, sorry for the lengthyness
    In regards, Nick
  2. SudasGalva

    SudasGalva New User

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