1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided 76561198078399958

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Crucifox, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Crucifox

    Crucifox Banned on SteamRep


    | steamname: Crucifox
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:19574200
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999414128
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Crucifox
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197999414128


    | steamname: Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:59067115
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198078399958
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Zantec
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198078399958

    View attachment 29704

    View attachment 29705

    View attachment 29706

    This one really f✿✿✿✿✿✿ hurts me. A lockjaw is honestly, whatever, I've lost way more to scammers, but the fact that this is the third or fourth time I've gotten scammed in a row has really impacted my ability to trust any trader, at all, for any reason.

    This guy talked with me for 3 days about trading and I checked his steamrep multiple times, checked how many scammers he had as friends, and guess what? The guy has only 1, and even has a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ verified green tagged middleman and moderator on his friends list. What the f✿✿✿?

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024890686 <---- This is the guy I'm talking about. This guy being friends with this scammer is kind of what pushed me over the edge to trust him. Not that I'm placing blame.

    It's my fault I trusted him and got ripped off, but let me tell you there were only 2 f✿✿✿✿✿✿ flags that the guy wasn't on the level, and the first was his inventory. It's too small to make sense, I think. The second was him asking me to send him an invoice so he could "check my paypal" and make sure it was verified, which I know first hand is a load of bullshit. But after 3 days, the guy disappearing and reappearing after holding pleasant, normal, non-rushed conversations with me? He really convinced me he was a completely normal person and not a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ a✿✿✿✿✿✿.

    My point is, for a scammer, he is extremely patient, and his account has 20 bought games on it. He has 130 or so friends. Plenty of time spent playing. It's not a new account. Like, I even f✿✿✿✿✿✿ googled him.

    enough of my crying. here's the transcript.

     Crucifox: Yo
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ?
    Crucifox: I want to sell dota 2 items.
    Crucifox: Want to discuss?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: before that
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: do you have a rep page?
    Crucifox: No, and since you're obviously a known person I might as well tell you up front I'm marked as a scammer on steamrep.
    Crucifox: Since you'll look and find out anyway.
    Crucifox: I'm innocent, but I'm not talking to you to try and prove or disprove that.
    Crucifox: I just want to sell stuff.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah , i just saw
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: was wondering why too
    Crucifox: I've got 2 fezzles, an osky, a trapjaw, and some signatures.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i just need osky and trap
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: no need fezzle
    Crucifox: May I ask why the special interest in those 2?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: cheap?
    Crucifox: Okay.
    Crucifox: What do you pay for those 2?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: cash?
    Crucifox: Yeah, paypal.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: yes
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: USD
    Crucifox: Yep.
    Crucifox: Greenbacks.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: and i need to see your offer
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ^^
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: if bad price then sorry ><
    Crucifox: $6,271.33 USD for the trapjaw
    Crucifox: Why does the seller have to "offer" to the buyer? What kind of f✿✿✿✿✿✿ sense does that make?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: haha
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: cause i want to compare the market price
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i tell you
    Crucifox: Any idea where this "offer" "no u offer" bullshit came from?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: if you see my chat
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i get ✿✿✿✿✿✿s offer
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: osky in steam 2 market is 80$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: and they ask me to pay them 120$
    Crucifox: Ha.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: that's why man
    Crucifox: I just want a normal price.
    Crucifox: If market is normal, then I'll take that.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://dota2lounge.com/trade?t=34826615
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: like this
    Crucifox: I don't want to scam you or get some ridiculously inflated price.
    Crucifox: I just want a simple, easy trade.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: so quote me best price for osky and trap
    Crucifox: You're really set on making me name a price first aren't you?
    Crucifox: Hold on while I go look at the community market.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: okay
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: best price usually got discount one ><
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: hah
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: haha*
    Crucifox: Osky's are starting at 80.
    Crucifox: 75 or 70 should be fine.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: 70
    Crucifox: If I would have said 60 you'd've said 55
    Crucifox: Don't play games with me.
    Crucifox: Trapjaws start at "$59.80" apparently
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: 55
    Crucifox: So 54-49 should be fine.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: 49 :D
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lol
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: you put the price range
    Crucifox: I'm laughing, or I'd be mad.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: chill man
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: So quote me the best price and lets discuss how we deal
    Crucifox: Alright.
    Crucifox: Well, you know I'm marked as a scammer, so it's hard for me to trust that people won't look at me and think, "I can rip this guy off and no one will listen to him, he's a scammer, this is my chance for free money!"
    Crucifox: I can and WILL link you to steamrep threads I have submitted post being marked where I got other people who thought that marked as scammers.
    Crucifox: So don't f✿✿✿✿✿✿ pull my chain. I will make another thread for you if you want to play games.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: what are you mumbling about ==?
    Crucifox: I'm saying, I know how to report scammers.
    Crucifox: So don't f✿✿✿ around please.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: dude i also know man ==
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: either go to steamrep forum
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: or
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://dota2traders.com/forum/node/report-a-scammer.21/
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: if you dont know the template of posting
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: let me show you my examples
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://dota2traders.com/forum/thread/76561198086336190.86165/
    Crucifox: Nice.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i'm more updated ^^
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lols
    Crucifox: I tried but I can't find my old threads.
    Crucifox: I've submitted like 4 so far.
    Crucifox: Real sick of it.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: archived maybe
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: try asking wuvs or jerry
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://dota2traders.com/forum/node/archive.58/
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: try here
    Crucifox: It's alright.
    Crucifox: I trust you a bit more now.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: wait i need to report a f✿✿✿✿✿
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ==
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/10070927086
    Crucifox: Really?
    Crucifox: You got scammed out of a hearthstone beta key?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: kinda
    Crucifox: Isn't that like 600 bucks?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: in 2 days tme more none
    Crucifox: Huh.
    Crucifox: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: wait im posting to kill her actually.
    Crucifox: Alright, so
    Crucifox: How do we proceed
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: wait a moment
    Crucifox: I was asking one of my friends that buys from me, funnybunny if he wanted my couriers.
    Crucifox: I'll wait I guess.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/10070927086?page=1#8
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lol
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: see how the proof burns
    Crucifox: Hilarious, good job.
    Crucifox: f✿✿✿ that b✿✿✿✿.
    Crucifox: If you pay me, I'll throw you my pair of Manta blades.
    Crucifox: To express my sympathy.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lol
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i manage to buy that for 9$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: she was like , wanted my qop + 10k
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i said for starters i want to trust u
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: and she ran with the starters believing iterm
    Crucifox: So, how about....53 for trapjaw, 73 for osky
    Crucifox: I don't know what fezzle sells for.
    Crucifox: Market says it's worth like 150
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah man, its possible. but give me few minutes
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: im submitting a ticket
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: to kill that b✿✿✿✿
    Crucifox: Didn't realize you were still handling that. My bad. Let me know when you're free.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: haha okies
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: im sending ticket to blizzard
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: the big boss
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: bacl
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: back*
    Crucifox: Welcome back.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: sorry it took awhile
    Crucifox: It's okay.
    Crucifox: Do you actually want to trade now?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: yeah why not
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: im also interested on others item as well
    Crucifox: What other items?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]:  http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/570/2/1062028191/?l=english&o_url=Crucifox
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]:  http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/570/2/1062028196/?l=english&o_url=Crucifox
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]:  http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/570/2/1062028204/?l=english&o_url=Crucifox
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: you got the rubick prestidigator set?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: and aui sign
    Crucifox: I do have aui_2000's signature
    Crucifox: I don't know about prestidigitator
    Crucifox: I only have the snake face and cloak set for rubick
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ouch
    Crucifox: I just traded for the portal stuff. =(
    Crucifox: Oh well, we'll see.
    Crucifox: I can agree to sell the portal stuff if all else goes well I guess.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: can no prob
    Crucifox: So are you ready?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: yea man
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] did not respond to the trade request.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] has accepted your request to trade.
    Crucifox: Are you not curious what my paypal is?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i haven't even saw the trade windows yet
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: im waiting to see how you start
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: and im still replying blizzard
    Crucifox: I keep waiting for you to ask me what my paypal is, lol.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: wait bro
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i feel like postponing this trade for 10 minutes is that possible
    Crucifox: Yeah, sure.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: what time is it at your place?
    Crucifox: 5:44 am
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: shouldn't you be in bed?
    Crucifox: Yeah, like a while ago I guess.
    Crucifox: If I want to keep normal hours.
    Crucifox: Not like anything important is happening in my life right now.
    Crucifox: I'm not concerned.
    Crucifox: What time is it where you are?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: 6.46 PM
    Crucifox: K it's been like a half hour
    Crucifox: Lol
    Crucifox: Did you fall asleep?
    Crucifox: What the hell man.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: no man
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i was in a problem
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ><
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: now only solved
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lol
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: bro?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Online.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: bro?
    Crucifox: Sup
    Crucifox: You're back?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: s✿✿✿ happened so i had to prolong for a day
    Crucifox: It's okay.
    Crucifox: Are you ready to try trading again?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: now is 2PM here
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: @ 5PM
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i didn't add any funds to my Paypal yet
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: so yeah
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: After 5pm
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Either you or me
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: PM each others
    Crucifox: Do you know how much you're adding to paypal?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: I'm adding 410$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i got other funds for other seller also
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ><
    Crucifox: Okay lol
    Crucifox: I'd like to sell you some signatures, would you be interested in any of those?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: depends on the price mate
    Crucifox: I suppose it does. We should add up what the 4 couriers are gonna cost.
    Crucifox: 125 for the osky and trapjaw is fair, correct? 55 for one and 70 for the other?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeap
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: that's the price
    Crucifox: And the 2 fezzles, I assume they are 140 apiece, so 280 makes basically 405/410, like you said you were adding.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: eh , i thought got free aui in that package of 125$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: XD
    Crucifox: So gj on that.
    Crucifox: Oh, aui.
    Crucifox: Yeah, sure.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: no man i dont need feezle
    Crucifox: He's yours.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: my funds are limited
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ><
    Crucifox: I thought you were buying my fezzles!
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: no no
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: just osky and trapjaw
    Crucifox: Well damn.
    Crucifox: I need more money. I wanted to sell my fezzles.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: If things go smooth
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: today
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Next month when my salary clears, i can buy more
    Crucifox: Mm.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Just few days
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Now its 25
    Crucifox: I guess you should look at my signatures and see what ones you're interested in.
    Crucifox: So maybe we can work out a price for those.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Within 30
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Hmm , Akke have?
    Crucifox: Yes
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Best price for Akke , i mean if you have alliance
    Crucifox: I only have bulldog and akke.
    Crucifox: From alliance, anyway
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: quote me best price for bulldog and akke
    Crucifox: I honest to god don't know their prices
    Crucifox: I'll have to go look them up
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: k
    Crucifox: akke is apparently 15 keys
    Crucifox: So 25 bucks for him
    Crucifox: Bulldog goes for around 40 I guess
    Crucifox: So 68 bucks for him
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: no bulldog then
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: akke maybe
    Crucifox: Ok
    Crucifox: What price do you want to pay for bulldog?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: well i can only pay like once 150$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: that also ill have balance of 260
    Crucifox: Okay, so I'll give you an osky, a trapjaw, aui_2000, and akke for 150?
    Crucifox: Is that the amount you can spend?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: yeah man
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: just 150$
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: i need to spend on an ef courier somemore.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Online.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: k
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: hey
    Crucifox: Sup
    Crucifox: What's going on
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Nothing
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Why?
    Crucifox: Uh
    Crucifox: Because you messaged me
    Crucifox: I thought I was responding to you
    Crucifox: Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: k
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: hey
    Crucifox: Sup
    Crucifox: What's going on
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: the item for 150$?
    Crucifox: Yeah? Is someone else on your computer or something?
    Crucifox: You said you couldn't do that till 3 hours later I think
    Crucifox: Is it time?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah , i thought my funds will be late transffered
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: But it was on time
    Crucifox: Cool.
    Crucifox: Does that mean you want to trade now, or later?
    Crucifox: you've made me wait plenty so I'm over it, lol.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Few minutes
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: It wll be worth
    Crucifox: K
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Online.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Done
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Just purchased a nice SB
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: :D
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: ?
    Crucifox: You there?
    Crucifox: Lol
    Crucifox: What's a SB?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah , its only you.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Shadow Blade Kunkka
    Crucifox: You went offline for a minute.
    Crucifox: Nice.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: So, let's trade
    Crucifox: Okay.
    Crucifox: I'll start with just the trapjaw, which was 55 bucks, right?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: So the fee's you cover?
    Crucifox: I guess? What's the fee?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: 55$ , ard 3-4
    Crucifox: Sure.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Can you send me an invoice to my PP?
    Crucifox: Uh
    Crucifox: If I remember how
    Crucifox: Sure
    Crucifox: But why?
    Crucifox: That's kind of a strange and uncommon request.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: lazy man
    Crucifox: Hahahah
    Crucifox: Alright, what's your paypal
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: that's how i deal just now.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: I learnt that today
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: [email protected]
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: I want to check your PP verified or not ><
    Crucifox: Oh
    Crucifox: Totally legit reason. I respect that.
    Crucifox: Now, help me remember how to send a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ invoice.
    Crucifox: nm, got it
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: LOL , watching a nice Youtube show
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOeNGvvcgv4
    Crucifox: invoice sent
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Sent [email protected]
    Sent fromMichelle Chitwood
    [email protected]
    Invoice number0004
    Date payment is dueSep 25, 2013
    Amount$55.00 USD
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yours?
    Crucifox: Yup.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yup, it's legitimate
    Crucifox: Yep. I'm verified, attached to a bank account, etc.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: So Trapjaw will be the first
    Crucifox: Yep.
    Crucifox: Do you want an invoice with every trade?
    Crucifox: Or was that just to make sure I was verified or whatever?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah , for future ref
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Actually next round no need
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: I can send it
    Crucifox: Alright, we might as well get this over with.
    Crucifox: I'm gonna go first on the trapjaw.
    You have accepted the trade request from Zantec [Dota2Traders.com].
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Online.
    Crucifox: What the f✿✿✿ man
    Crucifox: Do you just go offline right after trades to scare people on purpose or what?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: No la
    Crucifox: la?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Crucifox is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Crucifox is now Online.
    Crucifox: Oh, it was steam I guess.
    Crucifox: Scary timing anyway.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yea , i gotta admit
    Crucifox: Anyway, sending?
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: Yeah, bad line
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com]: I'm processing it
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is now Offline.
    Zantec [Dota2Traders.com] is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Crucifox: f✿✿✿ you, by the way.
    Crucifox: Making the report, already have 3 of the screenshots.
  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Can you provide a screenshot of your trade history?
  3. Crucifox

    Crucifox Banned on SteamRep

    Sure, sorry about the delay.

  4. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    That would work!

    An SR admin will investigate this in a while!