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Accepted 76561198084134425 (BLACKENED)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by RattlesnK, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. RattlesnK

    RattlesnK New User

    Subject: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084134425/

    |steamID: Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:35858476
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031982681
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198031982681
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198031982681

    |steamID: BLACKENED
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:61934348
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084134425
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198084134425


    Added me to buy some buds @ 35 each. I check his profile and straight away i knew he was a scammer. I done some more research and what do i find, yes him being marked. LOL what a tool

     Never tell your password to anyone.
    Wednesday, 3 April 2013
    5:11 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: hi
    5:11 PM - BLACKENED: Hey
    5:11 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: howdy?
    5:11 PM - BLACKENED: I'll be taking one bud
    5:11 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: please provide rep
    5:12 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: ive seen your name around
    5:12 PM - BLACKENED: Rep thread on my profile mate
    5:12 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: maybe on tf2-traders?
    5:12 PM - BLACKENED: Yeah a regular
    5:12 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: 0.9 hrs on tf2
    5:12 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: seems legit
    5:12 PM - BLACKENED: legit fo sho
    5:13 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: sec let me check your rep
    5:13 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: decent amount of rep
    5:13 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: 2secs
    5:16 PM - BLACKENED: you there?
    5:16 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: yep just a second reading few of the rep
    5:16 PM - BLACKENED: Alright no prob
    5:18 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: wow decent amount of rep
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: i believe you're a trusted guy
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: and ive seen you around couple of times
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: soo
    5:19 PM - BLACKENED (1): Keep in mind you're paying fees
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: yep just a sec
    5:19 PM - BLACKENED (1): And write a note with "no chargeback"
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: yep sec
    5:19 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: let me just restart my steam its very laggy
    5:20 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: ill go on my phone tho
    5:20 PM - BLACKENED (1): Alright
    5:20 PM - BLACKENED (1): Is your eerie for sale?
    5:20 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: sure is matey
    5:21 PM - BLACKENED (1): Don't mind if I mix cash and unusual offers?
    5:21 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: shoot an offer
    5:21 PM - BLACKENED (1): 750 + 3 cancer unusuals
    5:22 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: give me a sec
    5:22 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: let me restart steam
    5:22 PM - Whisper - Have: Buds Want: $$$$$: and talk in a bit
  2. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Thanks for the report.

    Next time make sure you title your thread correctly. I fixed it for you anyways.
  3. Bluedemon

    Bluedemon Retired Staff

    Already tagged. Added to the notes.