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Pending 76561198085713454 CaptainYolo [Need scrapbanker]

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Varx, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Varx

    Varx Banned on SteamRep

    | steamname: Varx
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49497403
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059260534
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Varx
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059260534

    | steamname: EaFi- FluffySwag
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62723863
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085713454
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198085713454

    http://imgur.com/a/ySFxf 3 image album of our chat. I met this guy on a Multiplay trade_plaza_2 server, he said he was selling hats so I traded him to 1:1 my Ellis' Cap for his Gabe Glasses, he start rambling on about how the Gabe Glasses were more on backpack.tf, and when I told him pretty much all craft hats come down to about 1.00-1.33 ref, he just blew a fuse, started talking about how he was never going to fall for it because I was a scammer, and quit the trade. He then started asking me to get him buds or Max's, because I was apparently "good at scamming" and he was poor and needed them. My Max's and 2 buds were acquired legitimately, I do not scam anymore despite my Scammer tag. Anyways, I accepted him to scrapbank, as his name had scrapbanking in it, however he got it wrong and was instead trading the weapons for the metal, not the other way round. I told him about this on the server, and he corrected his name. I was scrapbanking, so traded him to buy his weapons for the standard price of 2 weapons for 1 scrap. Nope, he wanted 1 scrap per weapon, so I quit the trade and just said no in the chat, which is where this all starts. I closed the chat window, until a few minutes later he starts messaging me again, talking about me giving him one of my earbuds, and he'd eventually pay it off, bit by bit. When questioned on whether on not he'd give it back, the reply was always "i hate scammers"... Reading the chat should be easier. I know this guy did not actually scam me, but I still think he should get a tag for trying this crap on people.
  2. McCreW

    McCreW New User

    Please upload all evidence directly to Steam Rep via "Upload File" button, thanks.
  3. Varx

    Varx Banned on SteamRep

  4. Varx

    Varx Banned on SteamRep

    Please note near the end when I get tired of this and block him, he says
    So this is obviously acknowledging that he had the intentions of scamming me, and when he knew I was being serious about the report he decided to go out all guns blazing.