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Evidence Provided 76561198086922490 (Alli.)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by LudorExperiens, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. LudorExperiens

    LudorExperiens New User

    | steamname: Tad.
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:63328381
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086922490
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198086922490

    Victim (didn't go for it):
    | steamname: [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:43840575
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047946878
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ludorexperiens
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198047946878

    So that guy added me and bought my s. bonk with a spy misc I liked. After that he asked whether one BMOC is for sale. As I told him yes, he offerd 140 USD on it. Instantly being suspicious I checked SteamRep, but he was clean. After that I searched the Forums to find this: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198086922490.40351/

    Then I asked him how he wanted to pay and as I guessed he said "E-Mail". So I tried to get some more info from him and the rest you can read in the chatlog/pics. Ofc I didn't go for it, but it is very suspicious that he still was willing to pay 140 USD even after telling him that the BMOC was worth way less.

    He has been changing names a lot lately and only has 1 game (TF2), so this is even more suspicious. It's up to the admins to decide whether he is a scammer I guess.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Donnerstag, 5. September 2013
    20:18 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: hi
    20:18 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: how can I help you?
    20:19 - Alli.: heyyyy
    20:19 - Alli.: i would like too buy your s bonk automic punch
    20:19 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: alright
    20:19 - Alli. has accepted your request to trade.
    20:21 - Alli.: add something and deal
    20:21 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: adding?...I would barely do 1:1
    20:21 - Alli.: ok so agree
    20:22 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: thanks, I just accepted because I play a lot of spy and this would look good on him
    20:22 - Alli.: k thx
    20:23 - Alli.: say do you sell one bmoc?
    20:23 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: well, yeah
    20:23 - Alli.: can i offer 140$ for it
    20:24 - Alli.: ?
    20:24 - Alli.: ?
    20:24 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: um...nah, sorry, don't sell it for real money
    20:24 - Alli.: oh
    20:24 - Alli.: ok then
    20:25 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: ok..not to acuse you of scamming, but it is very suspicious offering >3 buds on a <1 bud item
    20:25 - Alli.: lol
    20:25 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: just saying
    20:26 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: how would you pay btw?
    20:26 - Alli.: through email
    20:27 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: so you send me an email saying: "Here are $140"?
    20:27 - Alli.: no its a link,to a paypal adress Where All The Money Is
    20:27 - Alli.: 5
    20:28 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: okay, you send me an email with a paypal link and if I click it the money gets transfered to my bank account?
    20:29 - Alli.: no it transport to your steam
    20:29 - Alli.: 564
    20:30 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: hm...can you do it so it transfers to my bank account? I don't know if I can buy games worth 140$ Not playing much else than TF2
    20:30 - Alli.: i can mke it transport to your paypal
    20:30 - Alli.: 65232
    20:31 - Alli.: srry typo
    20:31 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: but it's all in the email, right? I just have to click the link.
    20:31 - Alli.: yes
    20:33 - Alli. is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    20:33 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: Okay, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist. I hope you know the consequences of scamming? Because I guess I have enough proof to get you tagged on SteamRep
    20:34 - Alli.: dude
    20:34 - Alli.: you dont have to trade me
    20:34 - Alli.: im just sayng
    20:34 - Alli.: saying
    20:34 - Alli.: tht how i bouth my buds
    20:35 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: It was a scamming attempt, so I'll report it. I'll send you the link to it in about 5 minutes, you can justify yourself there.
    20:35 - Alli.: dude
    20:35 - Alli.: im not trying to scamm b✿✿✿✿
    20:35 - [ FieryBurrito ] LudorExperiens: oh yeah, there is already a scam report on your name: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198086922490.40351/

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!