| steamname: Goldhammer12 | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:63905185 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088076099 | customURL: | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198088076099 I was recently banned for using a fake middle man attempt while buying buds for cash.I only saw it today and the person that reported it posted his report on August 3 2013.That was a long time ago and in that time I was still new to trading so I din't know what steam rep was causing me not to trust this guy so I insisted in asking if my brother could do it 76561198085878881 (here is his steam ID)he was also affected by my doing.They reported him as my alternate account but actually he is my brothers account.Going back I was scammed before in a simular situation where a person asked if I was selling keys for cash and then he traded me and I din't receive any money in Paypal so I din't trust this guy.I am very sorry if this guy thought I was scamming him because I was really not and I was still a noob back then.I changed my name and set it to private for security purposes thinking that he will try to scam my account because that is what my friend said to do when you think you are talking to a scammer.I hope you will reconsider and take of my scammer tag