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Archived 76561198088984882

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by New Bee™, Jan 10, 2014.

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  1. New Bee™

    New Bee™ New User

    76561198088984882 (The Wolf of Wall Street)

    | steamname: New Bee
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41931442
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044128613
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/theoriginalnewbee
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198044128613

    | steamname: The Wolf of Wall Street
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:64359577
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088984882
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/f✿✿✿money
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198088984882


    Odd friend request, he adds me and "apologises" for his behaviour previously, referring to his own inappropriate comment on my TF2Outpost trade.
    Moments later, he asks me "politely" to take down my said trade (e.g. removing competition to allow him to fix his own prices), as he and his friend need to 'set up the prices' for their own profit. He states that he's received offers of ~20 buds in unusuals, however he deliberately retracts that claim by saying that he suspects the offer is false.
    The conversation devolves when I accidentally post an incorrect link, which immediately leads to his throwing insults.

    - Price manipulation and overpricing with intention to falsify actual prices is essentially scamming. This incident most likely involves others in a deliberate attempt to increase the value of these items. His 20 bud offer is noted, then he counters his own proof by saying that he '[sic] seriously thought he was trilling'.
    - Prudent. He gets to the point that he's essentially blackmailing me into taking down my trade on TF2Outpost.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    New Bee: yes?
    You have accepted the trade request from The Wolf of Wall Street.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hello weary traveler
    The Wolf of Wall Street: is this what you're trying to collect for
    New Bee: eh?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: ?
    New Bee: oh yes.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yes. well, first off, i want to apologize for my rudeness on your trade that one day
    The Wolf of Wall Street: second, please, id hold off collecting these things until i sell mine, the crossbow at least. i got a guy named wizard power, hes got a black box one, and we're gonna get the prices set in concrete so that the people who make these profit nicely.
    New Bee: I see.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: the time you put into these things are just oo much.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: lol
    The Wolf of Wall Street: well, im off
    The Wolf of Wall Street: just wanted to say that haha
    New Bee: Uh huh.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: detective bee reporting for duty
    The Wolf of Wall Street: lol
    New Bee: So, got any offers on that thing?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: guy on my last trade offered a sunbeams samur eye
    The Wolf of Wall Street: i didnt take him seriously, but i added him
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hes a nice fellow and hes interested
    New Bee: hm.
    New Bee: How much exactly is a sunbeams samur eye?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: made a new trade because i seriously thought he was trilling
    The Wolf of Wall Street: 20 buds
    The Wolf of Wall Street: around there
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yeah, im only selling this thing for double digit buds.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: to give a figure
    New Bee: I'd suggest you take that offer immediately for your own sake.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: no, i still dont think hes serious, and plus
    The Wolf of Wall Street: who else is gonna take it
    The Wolf of Wall Street: haha
    New Bee: Ah.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: its 1 of two on the planet, only one on the market
    The Wolf of Wall Street: and im real close to the nice russian fellow who has the other only collectors one
    The Wolf of Wall Street: well, not reall,y because i dont speak russian.
    New Bee: mhm.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: anyway, you're looking at the only one on the market here, so keep tabs if you want to stay updated with offers
    The Wolf of Wall Street: if youre actually considering making this thing
    New Bee: Mm, you should sell it, I've seen this thing go for around 2-3 buds max recently.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: no, you havent
    New Bee: That's the hard honest truth.
    New Bee: Oh?
    New Bee: And you wouldn't believe me, why?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: what the f✿✿✿ do you take me for
    New Bee: http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Collector%27s%20Crusader%27s%20Crossbow
    New Bee: Take a good look for yourself, buddy.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you forgot the festive part dexter
    The Wolf of Wall Street: theres not a festive one on the market
    The Wolf of Wall Street: do you realize how rare these items are?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: do you?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: do you reaaalllyy?
    New Bee: Yes.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you cannot bull s✿✿✿ a bullshitter.
    New Bee: They're about as valuable as getting the chemistry set itself, and buying 200 crusader's crossbow.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: oh, really
    The Wolf of Wall Street: THEN LETS DO LIKE 2BUDS RIGHTNAU
    New Bee: So, according to my calculations, not much more than the standard collector's crossbow.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: HURRY THEYRE DROPIGN
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yeah
    The Wolf of Wall Street: i wish i had the time to explain to you the rarity
    New Bee: http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Collector%27s%20Festive%20Crusader%27s%20Crossbow%20Chemistry%20Set
    New Bee: I see plenty of solds.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: sure, sure thing you do
    The Wolf of Wall Street: theres millions im sure
    The Wolf of Wall Street: sike, thousands
    The Wolf of Wall Street: sike, hundreds
    The Wolf of Wall Street: sike, even less
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hahaah and why are you talking if u havent even crafted it yet
    The Wolf of Wall Street: youre a joke
    The Wolf of Wall Street: later
    The Wolf of Wall Street: wait,
    The Wolf of Wall Street: how many exist? i forgot
    New Bee: how many exist?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yeah
    The Wolf of Wall Street: collectors festive crossbows
    New Bee: Only the people who are bothered to make those, obviously.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hmm? 2? you're not one of them? hm
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you sound salty little guy
    The Wolf of Wall Street: >bothered to make them (says the guy whos buying the chem sets)
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hahahahahah
    New Bee: I do these things in my spare time.
    New Bee: I don't... as you say
    The Wolf of Wall Street: as do i
    New Bee: Literally took me all my free-time and more to complete, trading with others, managing prices....
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yep, free time
    New Bee: Well, that must have been several hours at least.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: besides extra cirriculars in class and what not
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yeah bee lets set a new record for time to make this item
    The Wolf of Wall Street: as if you even could
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you couldnt if you tried
    The Wolf of Wall Street: even if you have enough
    The Wolf of Wall Street: to buy the bows
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you couldnt
    New Bee: I don't have enough to buy the bows?
    New Bee: Oh please
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you wanna buy a strange mutton chop set?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: who cares if you could, lol, you couldnt make it if you tried
    The Wolf of Wall Street: and youre too much of a talker to do it anyway
    New Bee: Good one, I like how red text gives you a pretty good ego.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: yep red text everywhere
    The Wolf of Wall Street: said the salty bee with no profits
    New Bee: Oh.
    New Bee: That's funny.
    New Bee: ~Cost to craft - 1.7 buds
    The Wolf of Wall Street: you're probably fat, are you?
    The Wolf of Wall Street: 2 buds
    New Bee: Oh. That's a shame.
    New Bee: 20 buds. Good one, trying to pull that one over my eyes.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: hahaha what
    The Wolf of Wall Street: its more than 10, who gives a flying f✿✿✿. thats more than i need, more profit then youd ever get if you tried haha
    The Wolf of Wall Street: but why am i talking to you? youre too cheap to make one
    The Wolf of Wall Street: f✿✿✿✿✿
    The Wolf of Wall Street is now Offline.
    The Wolf of Wall Street: ;D
  2. Commander Video

    Commander Video New User

    offer made: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/17134726#latest
    only caring for the actual evidence of this conversation which was the screenshot, if he wasn't intentionally changing what was actually said that day he would have posted all of the chat log screenshots, the one screenshot is the only shred of fact you have in this entire post.

    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    I need the entire chat agreement in a full screen Steam client browser. Unedited
  4. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    This thread has been archived since the requested information was not provided. If you obtain the requested information, please create a new report.
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