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Evidence Provided 76561198089415686 (Ravus)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by darkstalek, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. darkstalek

    darkstalek New User

    | steamname: Joe
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:5979890
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972225509
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DS_K
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197972225509
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): darkstalek

    Scammer :
    | steamname: Ravus
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:64574979
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089415686
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198089415686

    Description: This person added me randomly and attempted to get me to buy him Garry's Mod for some Dota2 items. He reasoned that it was because he was broke and had friends who wanted to play with him. He had a trade restriction on him so if I was to follow through, I would have to had used the friend-gift option from the steam store to bypass using the trade window. I led him on a bit to see what he'd do but I'm pretty certain he was out to scam me.

    9:37 PM - Ravus: Ji joe
    9:37 PM - Ravus: hi
    9:37 PM - Joe: hey hey
    9:37 PM - Ravus: How you doing?
    9:37 PM - Joe: fine
    9:37 PM - Joe: you after tf2 items?
    9:38 PM - Ravus: nope
    9:38 PM - Ravus: i want to change
    9:39 PM - Ravus: You gift me garrys mod 8$ and i will give you items
    9:39 PM - Joe: yeah man, change is good
    9:39 PM - Joe: I'm not sure how that equals change...
    9:39 PM - Joe: but good for you!
    9:40 PM - Joe: so, how does this change you?
    9:40 PM - Ravus: Buy me garry's mod and i will give you aall my items (8)
    9:41 PM - Joe: ok, so why can't you just buy garry's mod yourself?
    9:42 PM - Ravus: Dont have money on this moment I'm broke and guys want me to play
    9:42 PM - Ravus: So gift me i will give you items
    9:42 PM - Ravus: !
    9:43 PM - Joe: ok so I buy the gift coupon and then we trade?
    9:46 PM - Joe: good news. I have a copy in my inv anyway
    9:46 PM - Joe: so we can just trade now
    9:46 PM - Ravus is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Ravus if they invite you to trade.
    9:47 PM - Joe: Hmm. that's interesting. " 9:46 PM - Ravus is not available to trade. More information will be shown to Ravus if they invite you to trade.
    9:47 PM - Ravus is now Away.
    9:47 PM - Joe: I guess the only way will be to use the gift function
    9:47 PM - Joe: by buying via the store
    9:47 PM - Joe: just send directly to friend
    9:54 PM - Ravus is now Online.
    9:54 PM - Ravus: yes
    9:54 PM - Ravus: That way
    9:55 PM - Joe: Ah right. But how will I get the items?
    9:55 PM - Ravus: I send them you
    9:56 PM - Ravus: well
    10:00 PM - Joe: ok but I dont wanna get scammed
    10:00 PM - Joe: so how do you send me the items
    10:00 PM - Joe: can you send me half
    10:00 PM - Joe: then I send you garrys mod
    10:00 PM - Joe: then you send other half
    10:00 PM - Ravus: i'm not of thos guys ho scemmed peopol
    10:01 PM - Joe: I know man, I trust you. it's the other people I don't trust
    10:01 PM - Call from Ravus started.
    10:01 PM - Joe: infact, you shouldnt even trust me
    10:02 PM - Call with Ravus ended.
    10:02 PM - Ravus has ended the call.
    10:02 PM - Ravus: pcik up
    10:02 PM - Joe: sorry man, no mic
    10:02 PM - Joe: no point
    10:03 PM - Ravus: send me garry's mod then i will send you items bicos 1 guy sadd i will buy youre items for 20$ all i send them and hi deleted me and block me and i diden't get my 20$
    10:06 PM - Ravus: please trust me and i will trust you next time!
  2. Etcchi

    Etcchi New User

    Do you still have access to the steam chat log, if so please take a screenshot of it as evidence.
  3. darkstalek

    darkstalek New User

    The history log didn't go back as far as what I posted but it seems he continued to talk to me after I blocked him. He goes as far as threatening to call the steam admin on me.

    Attached Files:

  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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