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Evidence Provided 76561198089716497

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by tmmaster_4, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. tmmaster_4

    tmmaster_4 New User

    | steamname: tmmaster_4
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51204995
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062675718
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062675718

    | steamname: <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:64725384
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089716497
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198089716497

    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: ok....pay pal number?
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: You don t have pay pal number?
    tmmaster_4: No, thats all you need
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: ok ok
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: ok...i gift you 1 items
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    tmmaster_4: Ahh
    tmmaster_4: so wheres the cash?
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: the money send now
    tmmaster_4: I guess i'll wait until I see it ;)
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: come after 1 hour you know
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: :D
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: acept
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: Master?
    tmmaster_4: I dont see the cash yet mate.
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: comes after an hour in pay pal
    tmmaster_4: oh
    tmmaster_4: It would help if you had sent it
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: I send MONEY ......
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: €85
    tmmaster_4: Still dont have it mate.
    tmmaster_4: guess well wait until then
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: Either accept or want to be refunded
    tmmaster_4: When I get the money Ill trade you
    tmmaster_4: Thats how these things work
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: I can not wait an hour ... I've paid and I want the weapon promise
    tmmaster_4: I can wait an hour.
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: : I am a woman!!
    tmmaster_4: ...and?
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: Or pay me or I'll sue you
    tmmaster_4: You'll sue me?
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: I do not have enough time ... please!
    tmmaster_4: Have you ever tried scamming?
    tmmaster_4: I heard its pretty profitable
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: I go Dance!
    tmmaster_4: ya
    <3 Giuli-etta AlfaR.<3: just second
    tmmaster_4: I'll be reporting you to SR
    tmmaster_4: For attempted scamming
    Basically this guy on outpost added me because of him wanting to buy a strange festive rocket launcher for 85 euros (http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/13687111), and personally it sounded too good to be true.
    He had then traded me and said that the cash was sent and that it would take an hour to process. Then he added a genuine three rune blade and told me to trade anyway. There wasnt any chat in the trade box.

    Attached Files:

  2. Chocolate

    Chocolate New User

    I would like to add this report as "she" attempted to scam me as well.

    Lost the original chat logs but i have pics. Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 11.29.45 PM.png Screen Shot 2013-08-16 at 11.29.43 PM.png
  3. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Please create your own report.
  4. Chocolate

    Chocolate New User

    Well i have asked the original thread poster but we were scammed less than 15 minutes apart so I asked him if i could support his case by posting in his report. He accepted and i'm sure he will comment to verify this.
  5. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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    Every report counts as an offence thus we urge you to make a seperate report as every offence = harder to appeal for the accused in question.