1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided 76561198093118515 KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Armored Squirrel, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Armored Squirrel

    Armored Squirrel New User

    | steamname: Armored Squirrel
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:66426393
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093118515
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ArmoredSquirrel
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198093118515

    | Scammer
    | steamname: KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62144445
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084554618
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DaAwesomeYo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198084554618

    | Evidence
    | http://imgur.com/jREpIU1

    | Piece of our chat
    17:05 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: hi
    17:04 - Armored Squirrel: Heya?
    17:04 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: i wanna offer on ur hat
    17:04 - Armored Squirrel: Sure! ^^
    17:05 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: wait.
    17:05 - Armored Squirrel: ?
    17:05 - Armored Squirrel: What's youre offer?
    17:05 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: wait
    17:10 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: erhmm
    17:11 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: Since i recently got hacked ive made this new account and i got near no items. but some of my friends felt sad for me and donatet me some money so i could buy some stuff back so i wanna offer money= ;3
    17:11 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: What do u value ur hat
    17:11 - Armored Squirrel: I can't do with money, but buds and unusuals are ok
    17:12 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: why not money!? D:
    17:12 - Armored Squirrel: dont have paypal or something
    17:13 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: make one its easy? ;3
    17:13 - Armored Squirrel: Nah
    17:13 - Armored Squirrel: i wants items
    17:14 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: D;;
    17:14 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: u can buy items for my money? ;3
    17:14 - Armored Squirrel: Can't you buy items and trade me instead?..
    17:14 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: i dont have dat time sorry ,3
    17:15 - Armored Squirrel: Aight, but you should know that i could be very helpful in SteamRep. So i'll hand them a report of you as scammer alt. Attemt to scam with cash. So you just wasted 5$ to buy premium. Thanks for mr.
    17:15 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: LOL D;
    17:15 - Armored Squirrel: Now you got scared?
    17:15 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: why do u think that? ...
    17:15 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: No i dont ;#
    17:15 - KillerLolp(*) Da BaWs : D: ; )

    | Info
    | He got 25 hours in Tf2. He's probably a scammer alt. He got two scammers in his friend list, Well it seems like he tried to scam me with money.
  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Hello, please upload your screenshots using the "Upload a File" button near the bottom. Thanks :)
  3. Armored Squirrel

    Armored Squirrel New User

    Aight. I don't see why, but if you'd like the. I don't neither see a reason why not.

    There we go! ^^

    Attached Files:

  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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