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Invalid ? (?)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by BrilliantBill, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. BrilliantBill

    BrilliantBill New User

    I am sure if it is possible to report this but I thought it would be better to tag his account before he does anything.

    Scammer Account:
    steamID: GanK bot (easy)
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:38443594
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037152916
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198037152916

    Scammer Alt:
    steamID: Tom Marcos
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:53475880
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067217489
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067217489

    He offered for my Sunbeams Modest (http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=7744062) with 17 buds. I added him and checked his backpack which he only possessed a few weapons and crates. I asked him how I would get the 17 buds and he said it was on his other account (the scammer account). I checked the SteamRep of his account and realized that he was a scammer and the account I was talking to wasn't marked yet. http://imgur.com/iZrM7

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, August 11, 2012
    7:27 PM - BrilliantBill: hey man
    7:27 PM - Tom Marcos: hi
    7:27 PM - BrilliantBill: how are you going to offer 17 buds if you don't have anything in your BP?
    7:28 PM - Tom Marcos: sorry but what did i offer?
    7:28 PM - BrilliantBill: http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=7744062
    7:30 PM - Tom Marcos: ah yes
    7:30 PM - Tom Marcos: add me in other acc if u accept that price
    7:31 PM - Tom Marcos: its keeps buds
    7:31 PM - BrilliantBill: what is your other account may I ask?
    7:31 PM - Tom Marcos: GanK bot (easy)
    7:31 PM - BrilliantBill: why do you use 2 accounts lol?
    7:32 PM - Tom Marcos: b/c the other acc was banned 1 month
    7:33 PM - BrilliantBill: well man, if you can get to 19 buds, itll be a deal
    7:33 PM - Tom Marcos: lol nty
    7:33 PM - BrilliantBill: 18?
    7:33 PM - Tom Marcos: now i just have 8 buds + unusuals
    7:33 PM - Tom Marcos: 9*
    7:33 PM - Tom Marcos: so if u dont interest, just leave
    7:34 PM - BrilliantBill: I in fact will. http://steamrep.com/?id=76561198037152916 I got no business with a scammer like you. especially when you aren't even a good trader
    Tom Marcos is now Offline.