Scammer: steamID: Gameboyycolor steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40869650 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Victim: steamID: HC118 steamID32: STEAM_0:0:26695183 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: In Trade server 1 today, a guy named gameboyycolor was whining about not getting a bills from a guy with spycrabbing on another server, HC118 asked him what his bet was, he said an unusual stormy storm cosa nostra. This kid did scam me in april, but I did not have proof of him doing it. HC118 said he would do his whole backpack for it, he agreed to 3 spycrabs looses, and gameboyycolor lost and ran, I have screen shots of the incident and 27 witnesses from trade server 1. Screenshots:,nY1s0,whsAB,nY1s0,whsAB#1,nY1s0,whsAB#2
Could the victim post the screenshot of the trade history? If he doesn't know how to find it then copy to him this: How do you find History of your inventory? Simply go on your profile, click on the Inventory and choose View Inventory button.