1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Invalid ? (?)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Mr Entertainment, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Mr Entertainment

    Mr Entertainment New User

    Sorry about shoving the link in the title but his name isn't Intirely typiable But his nick name is "Trains" I was a decent friend with him and i met him off of one of my best friends "Ash". Ash isn't a scammer but i found out that "Trains" was because he scammed me and Probably others too. He had good trades with unusual's and great rep so i trusted him enough to pass him my Strange Sapper and i asked him kindly if he was willing to sell it for around 9-10 for me then pass me the keys. He said it was fine and did so. He got the keys but what the scam was is that he Used the keys on crates. I found out and told him he had 20 days to return me the keys. Then i saw his backpack for the last time and i made a video and warned others about him as well. "Ash's" Account is here

    If have any questions or wanting more Detail/Info just add me on Steam or "Ash" on as well. Please take down this jerk before he scams any one else.

    -Mr Entertainment