1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Rejected Aklaen [SR SCAMMER]

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by PyrOmaNiaC88, Mar 17, 2013.

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  1. PyrOmaNiaC88

    PyrOmaNiaC88 New User

    |steamID: Aklaen
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30762523
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021790774
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/blane88215
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198021790774
    Hello @Steam rep forums.
    So,recently I started scamm people,just cause i was too ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed.I really wanted to get my lost items and I started scamm people just with the obsesion of getting my items back.I have lost in a trade my Earbuds pair and Bill's hat.It was in December 2010,I asked steam support for help,but they said: Sorry but we can't refund the items cause of steam policy and something else.I started scamm people just cause of my TF2 goals and dreams.My TF2 play life started like:My best friend gave me an guest past in March 2010.I waited till my birth-day ,October 2010 to buy the game.I bought the gave via SMS for a CD-KEY of Orange Box.It was 06:xy morning and I received the CD-KEY.I went to TF2 and started play on a server called Saings or something like that.Those bots were having cool hats and misc,but just 1 bot made me like this,The bot was having Max's Severed Head+Earbuds...I was fascinated.I wanted them so much.Here we go,the TF2 trade arrived and I started sell items...After a long time of playing TF2,I had enough for Earbuds and Bill's.I bought them and after 1 month,1 guy offered me $$$ for my Earbuds and Bill's...I thought so much and I said that i'll do it.But I was scammed via paypal....I was destoyed.I left TF2 for a while and went to League of Legends.After a long play of LoL from December 2010(when I was scammed and I created an LoL account) till February 2013 I played LoL and on February 2013 I came back to TF2...I was too ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed to use my brain and I scammed people for items.After I got marked as a Scammer...I started on the good way...TRUTH...I bought Keys from Shop and bought my Earbuds and hats...I didn't had enought for Max...I started to be scammer on TF2...1 Day,someone added me and he wanted my Bill's hat...He gave me money and I didn't gave him the Bill's at the moment...I really felt sorry for what I did to him,never felt bad like that.He could understand me,after I gave him the Bill's hat.A day later,I tried to scamm someone and I said that I'm a JAG Admin...JAG was my favourite server,I was enjoying admins and events...But I'm really sorry to a person,Kevin...He was a great friend,good trader aswell,I really wont be a scammer,I want to be a normal person,but this ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed thing on my head...made me scamm people just to get my items back and to get the Max...that was all I wanted...Now I'm SR SCAMMER and I wont...I just want to be such a normal person,not a ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed dirty scammer...I want to enjoy servers I like...I wont be tagget as a scammer...I just want to appeal a judgement...and I can understand if you can't take off the tag...I really understand...But if you can't I just want to be informed how much time I have to be tagged as scammer...Sincerely Aklaen a.k.a SR Scammer...Thanks so much for admins who wasted time with this post...Thanks so much for trying helping me doing good things and really sorry for what I did...but as someone said: A scamm is a scamm! I hope i can get helped with this scamm sensation and really hope that I'm going to the good way insteat of bad 1.Thanks!
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review of your offenses, your appeal is denied, you scammed multiple times via PayPal, auto deny.

    Offenses (and tho some are still pending, I'm sure you were responsible, if you would like to contest one of these specifically tho, PM me and Ill review it)

    (btw your alt you posted from in that thread will be marked too http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561198021790774-john-mclaenk.24638/#post-75517 )

    f✿✿✿ yourself
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