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Rejected Appeal: 234567894235152643723 - (Ima Cactus / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Ima Cactus, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. Ima Cactus

    Ima Cactus Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 234567894235152643723 (Ima Cactus)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    A few years earlier I got my account stolen. It was my birthday and I got a 100$ on steam, I spent it all on TF2. I got my first unusual, when I was trying to sell it a random guy wanted it. He traded me and asked me to sign up to OPskins for some reason. He also asked for some information on my steam support app on my phone. And that's when it happened - he stole my account. About a year later I got my account back and all of my items were changed (He/She stole some items but also looks like he traded some and he left it in my inventory). My name was also changed he was apparently impersonating an OPskins bot. These were my previous names when I got my account back:
    [OPSKINS] Bot #0251 [OPSKINS] Bot #0016 [OPSKINS] Bot #016
    [OPSKINS] Bot #0204 [OPSKINS] Bot #0147
    My current name is Ima Cactus. Please could you help me get unbanned? Ask me for more information if it's needed​
  2. Ima Cactus

    Ima Cactus Banned on SteamRep

    I found the emails on OPskins on how he logged in. This is the first email:
    Hello ,

    [​IMG]Notification Options
    OPSkins Notification
    Important information about your OPSkins account

    Hello ,

    Someone (hopefully you) just logged into your OPSkins account 76561198067683889 from the IP address (Philippines). If this was not you, please contact support immediately as your account may have been compromised.

    If you suspect that your OPSkins account may have been compromised, you can self-lock it using this link.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    © 2017 OPSkins Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    301 Omer-Deserres, Suite 101, Blainville, Québec, J7C 0K2, Canada
    If you no longer want to receive promotional emails from OPSkins, click here

    Second Email:
    [​IMG]Notification Options
    OPSkins Notification
    Important information about your OPSkins account

    Hello ,

    Someone (hopefully you) just logged into your OPSkins account 76561198067683889 from the IP address (Philippines). If this was not you, please contact support immediately as your account may have been compromised.

    If you suspect that your OPSkins account may have been compromised, you can self-lock it using this link.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    © 2017 OPSkins Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    301 Omer-Deserres, Suite 101, Blainville, Québec, J7C 0K2, Canada
    If you no longer want to receive promotional emails from OPSkins, click here

    Third email:
    [​IMG]Notification Options
    OPSkins Notification
    Important information about your OPSkins account

    Hello pia123,

    Someone (hopefully you) just logged into your OPSkins account pia123 from the IP address (Philippines). If this was not you, please contact support immediately as your account may have been compromised.

    If you suspect that your OPSkins account may have been compromised, you can self-lock it using this link.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    © 2017 OPSkins Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    301 Omer-Deserres, Suite 101, Blainville, Québec, J7C 0K2, Canada

    I searched their ID on google and this came up:
    I'm currently trying to ,,self-unlock" my OPskins account because he might have put my items there.
    I hope this helps you in any way.
  3. Ima Cactus

    Ima Cactus Banned on SteamRep

  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you are claiming hijack, you must provide proof. Formal two week notice to do so.
  5. Ima Cactus

    Ima Cactus Banned on SteamRep

    How can I prove that i hijacked?
    I don't know how I could provide any more information on this
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review, I am declining to consider this appeal. The admin who tagged you well documented everything and nothing you claim here matches our information nor were you able to provide any actual proof in your defense that you were hijacked.

    Appeal denied.