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Rejected Appeal: 76561197960269501 - (PanzerKnackers / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by PanzerKnackers, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. PanzerKnackers

    PanzerKnackers Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561197960269501 (PanzerKnackers)

    Appeal Plea: I commited the offense(s), but it was minor or I disagree with SteamRep policy
    Appeal Reason: [Other] Another reason (Not commonly accepted)
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    User contacted me first, offering item trades for cash, I was immediately suspicious. When payment was made, the user made a steam trade. I was notified via steam that the user had multiple reports on his account for trade issues.

    After researching his account on SteamRep, I found his account (One associated with his) was banned for a similar scam.

    I decided to have a bit of fun with him, seeing as how I was convinced he was trying to scam me. I intentionally deceived him for my own amusement (I understand this is against steamreps policy), but I had no intention of actually keeping his paypal transfer of 20USD, as he could easily request a refund, but I figured I would at least try to waste some of his time.

    I pressured the user to admit his guilt in trying to scam me in exchange for his refund, but he continued to deny it. He then posted on steamrep where I immediately admitted to having his transaction, and offering it to a previously reported victim of the user, or to refund the payment where appropriate. (I still assumed the transaction would be reversed, but I figured I might as well offer my own money just as some sort of symbol for justice in this matter)

    The administrator approved my ban because I admitted guilt, which is totally understandable, so I have cut my losses, refunded the payment, and ask that this ban be overturned for a transaction that was held for less than an hour.

    If you would like FULL steam chat logs, I will provide those upon request. Attached are screenshots of my paypal overview, the refund expanded, and a steam chat excerpt stating to user that I provided refund.

    I appreciate the time you take to read this, and thank you. Please feel free to contact me if you require additional clarification.
    -Justin / PanzerKnackers

    View attachment 612333 View attachment 612334 View attachment 612335

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Sorry, SR by policy does not grant RWC (real world currency) related offenses. In addition, we do not condone defrauding fraudsters, right or wrong. I do concede the circumstances in this particular case may warrant further consideration at a later time, doing so prematurely would send a very wrong message that this is somehow acceptable. I will allow a second appeal for reconsideration down the road, pending no more issues, and I mean NO more issues.

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