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Archived Appeal: 76561197960287930 - (Vaze / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by [AnFur]PEASANT, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. [AnFur]PEASANT

    [AnFur]PEASANT Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561197960287930 (Vaze)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I don't have any other accounts that are related to this account.​

    Appeal description:
    Hey admins of SteamRep,

    First and foremost, I would like to apologise to everyone who dealt with my disgusting past threads. I was extremely immature at the time and I can understand both reasons why my threads weren't approved. So let's start with the first reason.

    I was accused of being a scammer for "making a video of scamming someone". This is 100% true. I would try to convince someone that I was creating youtube content for "Scamming Awareness". When in reality I was just trying to take people's items from their inventory. And might I add I haven't attempted to scam anyone since that point in time. It had been 8 or 9 years in fact. And I'm not certain whether or not this person is still online on their steam account or not, but quite frankly I will do whatever it takes to repay them. However if for whatever reason this person does not play the game anymore/isn't online on their steam account, I promise to never try to pull off petty scams like that ever again. I was very mature back then. I was about 13 or 14 years of age so my understanding of right and wrong was very distorted. I'm unable to ever join any of the servers that I love playing on because of this ban mark I've had since 2013. And I understand I really do. But I'm really trying to set the score straight with this one.

    And now for the second reason my appeals probably got rejected, is my disgusting behaviour on previous threads. So my formal apologies go out to "You Are The One" for dealing with a very angry kid who lost his cool on an online forum. And for that matter all the admins having to deal with that I'm sincerely apologising to you. I've come in peace this time. You guys really didn't need me to come onto your forums and act the way I did. It's unacceptable behaviour and had no grasp on being reasonable and making good decisions. I just want to be able to get this ban off my account so I'm able to experience playing on more servers, as some won't servers allow me to play on them with the SteamRep ban.

    I haven't been the most reasonable person when it comes to appealing on the forums, and I actually wasn't sure how to appeal properly. And I've gone back to previous threads that I made trying to appeal for my ban. Apparently, you can only have one appeal thread ever on this website? IF this is still the case is there any way I can work around this at all? And another thing was I was reported for having attempted the scam, but not being successful with the scam. I'm not sure if that's entirely true because that has worked on people. I just figured honesty is the best policy so I'm gonna own up to it.

    Anyway, the biggest thing I want to get out of this thread is some sort of closure. If this thread can not be arranged to have my account unbanned, I completely understand. But I love this game. I just wish I was able to play on all the servers I'm currently unable to access. I've changed my ways drastically and there's no way I'd ever revert to those old ways.

    If you've gotten to the end of this appeal thank you for reading it and hearing me out. I wish you all the best

    Kind regards,

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    It appears you have attempted to appeal half a dozen times now, you already appealed and were denied. Since then, we have updated appeal processing policy to prevent frivolous appeal attempts (as in this case) you have lost posting privileges in the appeals section.
