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Archived Appeal: 76561197963111965 - (Ford Fusion / BANNED BY AF2)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Aces Evil Minion, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Aces Evil Minion

    Aces Evil Minion Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY AF2

    Steam profile: 76561197963111965 (Ford Fusion)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I don't have any other alternate accounts​

    Appeal description:
    I used to scam a lot when I was really young because I didn't have any money to get all of the things I wanted, I can't even remember exactly when it happened but I feel like I remember not even being a teenager yet. I am now 21 years old and I am a functioning member of society, I recently got back into playing TF2 with my one day off and I just want to be able to join a trade server when needed. I fully admit that was such a shameful act I pulled on anybody that I scammed and I would love to repay them back for any damages I've done. I did not write a good report when I applied for my first appeal but I also don't remember what I said regarding my ban, all I can say is I have learned a ton within the decade and would love to play normally!​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You already submitted a legacy appeal and it was declined, nothing more can be done for you, please do not submit any further appeal attempts as it will result in loss of posting privileges in the appeals section.