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Accepted Appeal: 76561197976647143 - (Mordnacht / SR CAUTION)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Mordnacht, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Mordnacht

    Mordnacht New User

    Appeal for SR CAUTION

    Steam profile: 76561197976647143 (Mordnacht)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Fake - Report had falsified evidence
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    Apparently I was SR cautioned as a scammer about 1422 days ago.. that must have been a straight up lie on whoever's part that reported me because I have NEVER traded with anyone other than my current boyfriend at the time and very infrequently played during around that time. I barely talk to random people, let alone ever go onto trade servers. I didn't even know about this until I was unfairly banned from a server I was happily playing. I have been working on a University degree the last five years, barely playing any games. I don't know who unfairly reported me, but it is falsified as I never accept trades from random people ever. I've also had both my inventory and profile on private for years because I don't like random people in any of my business.

    I have over 1228 hours of TF2, mostly all acquired before five years ago. My backpack is set to private because I hate people trying to trade me for any of my items because they see it in my backpack. I have been on steam for 10 years, I barely even sell items.... only time I ever did was cards and random paint cans and things I'd never use on the marketplace a year ago. Therefore = not a scammer. I would never mess with my 182 games I have acquired on my account and end up losing it all doing anything stupid. I've spent way too much money on this account to lose it to a hacker or to being banned by Valve. I have no bans/cautions other than randomly on here, which should have been a red flag to whomever applied my caution tag. I just play my games and that's it.

    Please kindly remove this caution because I hate being unfairly banned for no reason and figuring out its due to a 2.5+ year old random report of some kid who I probably rejected for trading.​
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Mordnacht Are you sure you don't have any other accounts that may be tied to you in anyway? That includes those of a brother, sister, dad or anyone that may share your internet connection etc?
    Did you review what you were reported for? Were you a user of SourceOp?
  3. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hidden Content:
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  4. Mordnacht

    Mordnacht New User

    I don't know what SourceOp even is. Never been on that website or have an account there.

    My father and sister shared my internet connection at the time, but they were too busy playing WoW to even go on Steam to begin with.
    I can't see nor find the review of what I was reported for. All it showed me, that I could find, when I checked was that I was reported for scamming and therefore they placed a caution tag on me.
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  6. Mordnacht

    Mordnacht New User

    Okay, I finally found it under archives: 76561197976647143. The person being reported was Swift aka that was my old boyfriend. He never played on my account, but he has played on TF2 at my house and I have never seen him trading at my house either? I didn't know your SteamID64 number could be the same as other peoples? Or is that just because he used my internet at the time? I'm living in a different house now too so wouldn't mine change?

    Anyway, he should be banned/marked as a scammer because he's an idiot and likely did what he did. But I have never done any of that. He was the only person i traded to during the time.
  7. Mordnacht

    Mordnacht New User

    Sorry, I don't know how to edit posts, if I am even able. Thanks Horse for helping me find it and for telling me it could have been somebody connected through internet too. I didn't think that was possible because it was done by account.

    Also marking the following account on multiple obvious storage/alt accounts friends list (also has a friends-only profile. Probably alt, or “partner in crime”.

    steamID: [Omc]аяяоѡ[omC]
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:8190707
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197976647143
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561197976647143

    This is my account. That was my old name for a long time before I switched it to Mordnacht a couple years back. It seems I was banned because of my private profile and being a friend on his list with it.. sadly.
    I would never be his partner in crime.. my account is my life and to lose it in anyway would have been devastating because I have spent my own money to buy every gave I have on there. I make sure to follow rules for everything and keep it protected meticulously because of the amount of money I've spent on my games.

    I have never traded any unusuals or anything grand with him and he never gave me anything. Whenever we traded, and it was likely before he got banned because around the time he was banned here we were at the stages of breaking up, it was always me, just giving him stuff I didn't want in my inventory and he said he wanted them. He was really big into TF2 with the trading scene and also competitive TF2. I know he made multiple accounts because he wanted to get more items (he was obsessed), but I didn't know he had THAT many accounts and was using them to scam people.. but I wouldn't put it past him to do something so stupid. I only know of two in total that he made and neither of them are on the banned list in the thread there.

    Hope this helps clear everything up and clears my name of his stupidity.
  8. Mordnacht

    Mordnacht New User

    Sorry more info:

    Now that I am looking at the report, more of my memory is coming back. The #1, #2, and #3 were all his alt accounts. I believe I was added to some of them because he went on them frequently, but I believe I removed them after because I told him he doesn't need so many accounts. The names messed me up since he changed them often so I didn't remember them when I clicked on the actual account page, which gave me some weird name I don't remember. The "old swift" on the friends list there was his original account that he was "unfairly banned" by Valve for something so he had to make a new account, which is the Meraena one. Or he got "Hacked" I can't remember which excuse he gave me at the time.

    I'm not his alt nor partner in crime. I just dated his stupid self and, sadly, made the mistake of introducing him to TF2 where he did this. If I had played more TF2 back then, I would have likely caught this much sooner and appealed this ban/caution tag much faster. Sorry for the multiple messages. I think that's all I remember now.
  9. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review, due to time tagged, no direct reports of this account scamming and other mitigating circumstances, their is insufficient evidence at this time to support a tag based on being an alternate account of 76561198054041984 Please note, if we find out you lied in the appeal, you may be retagged w/o the possibility of a new appeal.

    Appeal granted.

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