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Accepted Appeal: 76561197990990720 - (xXx[A]xXx-Kragen / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Patrick Fenger, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561197990990720 (xXx[A]xXx-Kragen)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:
    I have no other accounts then this.​

    Appeal description:
    Hi there.

    Im name is Patrick Fenger
    Im a 22 year old Danish guy who loves to play Dota2.
    My steam account has been banned falling under "trade scam" of some sort. It tells me that i have been "banned by SR".
    To start with i'd like to say that i despite scammers and i have never nor will i ever be a part of a scam or anything that associates with it. My account has obviously been comprimised and my account informations will of course be replaced instantly after this appeal.

    I have been looking through my inventory historical and i cant believe i haven't noticed this before - that way i could have reported it myself. The way i found out of this is just embarrassing and i feel like a complete fool. There are several trades that seem suspicious but the trade i have been accused for does not exist? It is nowhere to be found in my historical database.
    I have been trying to submit a screenshot of my historical data where it shows that this trade has never taken place but nothing happens when i click the bottom - you should be able to see it on my profile though? With that said I feel so bad for the guy who has been scammed by this highjacker and at the same time it's my name that's being insulted. Thank god that he reported it or we might never have realised it.

    You see, I am an international student and i travel the world quite alot. I spent my whole summer last year in different contries such as: China, Japan, Australien, even U.S.A.

    I never thought this would happen to me....
    I really respect your setup, the market and the trading theme in generel. I work with marketing and the community you have created is simply genius - i really admire it.

    Even though i have had no part in this i feel so bad for the victums of this hacker... Should there be any way i can help please do say so and i'll gladly do it.

    I am a gamer who, like so many others, like to follow TI14, bet on games and trade with friends, that's pretty much the only purpose for me using Steam.

    I have no more traveling ahead of me so i can guarentee you that none of this shall ever repeat itself.
    Should i experience a hacker or in any way find my account suspicious i will instantly take contact to you myself.

    I hope that you find my explanation logical and realise that i had no part in this.

    All i want to do is play dota2, bet on TI14 games/games in general and trade with friends.

    I thank you for your time and hope that we can find a solution.

    Patrick Fenger.
    International Sales and Marketing Adminstrator
  2. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    Hi again.
    I cant seem to figure out how to change my password on steam.
    Is that anything you can help me with?
  3. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    I figured out how to change my password to my steam account.

    Hope you will find time to look through my appeal.

  4. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you are claiming hijack, you must provide proof to back up your claim.
  6. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    Seems like a rather cold respond considering the fact that this thread was created over 2 years ago.

    With that said i'll gladly provide any information you need to prove my innocense.

    What do you need?
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Uncropped screenshot of support ticket. (can remove account name, any payment info, any cd keys)
    My reply may have been cold, but it was also efficient.
  8. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    I am not in possession of a support ticket. Is there anything else i can submit?

    Efficient in what way i must ask?
  9. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    That is the only way to backup your claim, you can try and recover your support account to regain access to your ticket.
  10. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    I have full access to the account and changed the account details after the incident, even added the mobile authenticator to it's for safety. However i did not submit a support ticket regarding the incident as my first encounter of it was on this website. So what do we do from here? Do i submit a support ticket regarding a highjacking incident over 2 years ago?
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So you have nothing backing up your claim then, great.
  12. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    Have you even read the report?
    First of all i was out of town at the time of the accident.
    Second of all the proclaimed trade mention in this entire incident is not existing.

    And just to top that i had no motivation to commit the crime at question
  13. Patrick Fenger

    Patrick Fenger New User

    Frankly i find this quite outragous.
    Gaming is a hobby of mine and not much more then that. Up until now i've registrered this incident as a matter not really worthy of my energy, but it's clearly taken a new direction.
    I find this whole process handled very unprofessional and i'd like to have the charges on me moved as there is no hard evidence pointing my direction.

    I am innocent until other is proven.
  14. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I do not accept you were hijacked whatsoever, you had years to provide proof and willingly failed to do so. I dont believe you or your appeal, but otherwise cannot prove you are a liar.

    Saying that, the original evidence is lacking and I have no choice but to downgrade the tag to a caution. Since you failed to prove your claim of hijacking, you may not appeal the caution unless you provide proof of your original claim.

    Appeal downgraded.

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