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Rejected Appeal: 76561198009348013 - (wow / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by wow 6, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. wow 6

    wow 6 Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198009348013 (wow)

    Appeal Plea: N/A. There are no offenses listed at all.
    Appeal Reason: [Process] Mistake - Admin misunderstood evidence or made a mistake
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    No other accounts.​

    Appeal description:
    Hi all, I would like to appeal my steamrep ban. This happened a very long time ago, over 10 years ago now. I mostly forgot about this until recently since I can see that I am labeled as a scammer on the backpack.tf site.
    View attachment 809409
    Only recently I reentered the tf2 trading community after quite a while away from the game, and I can clearly see the scammer tag there on my profile. I have also been made aware of this by several others in the trading community, most explicitly telling me that they can not trade with until I appeal my ban. This has become an issue only now after reentering the trade community. I am certainly not a scammer today, and I care enough about the tf2 community that I am willing to participate in the in game economy in a fair way of legitimately purchasing game item. Absolutely none of my items are stolen, they are all legitimately purchased through third party sellers. I really do enjoy the game of tf2 a lot and the community also. I would like to continue to take part in it on this account, as it is my main steam account for a long time.

    View attachment 809410
    After only realizing now the seriousness of this ban on my SteamRep, I think it has gotten really a bit weird and quite uncomfortable by now (for me and others I believe). In the above screenshot we can see that I am banned on this site only, and unfortunately the additional info section actually lists some specifics from the supposed scam from over a decade ago. The strangest thing is that my dad's PayPal email is shown here for any and everyone to see. He let me use his PayPal account at that time because I did not have one, and certainly did not expect this would happen. It is unfair to him to be implicated in this since he had no part in it, definitely would not expect this. Please remove the specific name and email of the PayPal account from the additional info, I do not want my dad's real name or info displayed this way linked to my profile... These are the serious issues with the SteamRep ban at this point. Please help to do something about this situation.

    Regarding the scam in question that happened 11/27/11. I remember it though it was a long time ago. No scam ended up happening from it at all I know that. The chargeback was cancelled in the end by PayPal and the person who claimed the scam was refunded their money completely. The buyer has clearly confirmed it by posting about this issue on his profile. Image attached,
    View attachment 809411

    you can see this at the user's profile (SUCKAFREE):

    As far as I can remember, there was a misunderstanding about the item that he wanted. I was selling an item for a friend, and when it sold I thought my friend was going to give it to me to fulfill the order that was made by SUCKAFREE, and he did not give it to me in the end so the order was not able to be fulfilled. For some reason SUCKAFREE paid me first before receiving the item, and when he didn't get his item he immediately assumed a scam. It was because he couldn't since my friend had somehow lost the item. When I realized this I did contact PayPal and request that the chargeback was approve to try and help him out. He was very uncooperative and very accusatory from what I remember.
    He also posted about the issue on my profile prior to reporting me on steamrep.
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    So you all can see no scam happened here. User was refunded completely. It was all a misunderstanding. I would like to put all this behind me, since I do enjoy participating in this community and enjoy the game. I take these things a lot more seriously now than when I was a teenager, so I would be very careful to not get myself into any situations that would potentially be considered a scam. I don't want to be labeled a scammer anymore, and prefer that my Dads person name and contact info be removed from my StemRep profile. I would really appreciate some help to rectify this issue! Thanks!​

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    The PPI was removed from your public SR profile notes.

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative).**
  3. wow 6

    wow 6 Banned on SteamRep

    Thank you. Can the scammer label be removed also please? I'd like to participate in the trading community, and the tag has not been allowing me to.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    My reply only addressed your PII concern. You will wait until an admin addressed your appeal. Do not reply again unless you have something new to add to your appeal.
  5. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    If you do not have proof of a "misunderstanding" then your tag will not be removed. Just your story is not enough, as what you admit to sounds like a textbook paypal scam.
  6. wow 6

    wow 6 Banned on SteamRep

    My recollection of what happened at that time that I posted here and the profile postings is all that is left from then and that situation... All the history of that transaction would be gone since its from over a decade ago! We can look deeper into the profile messages that were posted since that is all that is left by now.
    His words posted were:
    "Drake you tryed to scam me. You didnt refund my money I contacted paypal and got my money back you had no choice. We both know you had NO plan on a refund as you told me offer after payment was sent. And with a name like Ahouahsmaga Hahusha I doubt very much your honest person..I feel stupid sending you money in the 1st place."

    He acknowledges that he did get his money back, and that he sent the money first. It seems like the misunderstanding is on the refund itself and how it was obtained, causing him to call me a scammer. When my friend did not have the item ready to give to the buyer, that caused the confusion and delayed the refund process. During the confusion and before I could refund him, the buyer opened a chargeback case against me and by then when it went into paypal's investigation the funds were frozen and taken out of my control. All I could do after that was contact paypal to let them know the buyer's claim was valid, and he did end up getting his money back as he stated. It was an issue with paypal.

    This is really all that is left from a situation from over a decade ago. No one was affected by this misunderstanding with paypal in the end, only my steam rep was. I was also a teenager. I let it be for quite a while since I was not participating in the trading community. Only now when I started to, I started to realize what an issue this is. This is my main steam account, and I only participating in legitimate transactions. I do not scam honestly. I also do not have any other proof other than what I've mentioned here. Can we figure this out?
  7. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    After a review, I am unable to grant this appeal. What you claim does not absolve you of the offense that took place. You did scam despite saying no scam happened because PAYPAL reversed the payment, not YOU.

    Saying that, wanting to be unbanned simply because you want to use trading sites is NOT a reason to consider an appeal. At the end of the day, by Steamrep policy, Steamrep can not grant appeals for appeals related to real world currency offenses (such as paypal scams).

    As such, this appeal is thus Rejected.