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Archived Appeal: 76561198028278274 - (C7RS7 / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN

    soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198028278274 (C7RS7)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I have an alt account that I had made in 2017, but have forgotten the log in information. Never made any trades or transactions on it though.​

    Appeal description:

    First and foremost, I completely admit to have scamming a TF2 user in 2012, and deeply regret doing so. I have no excuses for what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions. Thinking back on the situation, I was acting purely out of greed and stupidity as a 12/13 year old who would do anything to get his hands on some "nice" items, even if it involved hurting someone else in the process.

    After a 5+ year break from gaming, I have recently started playing counter-strike again and have become increasingly interested in the skins and trading market, as trading (commodities) is a passion of mine and something that I now do for a living.

    An important thing that I would like to note is; Although it would be nice to start with a clean slate again, that is not my leading intention with this appeal post. The one thing that is most important to me in this process is to make things right with the victim and community, regardless of the fact that it has been 10 years since I had scammed him. I have sent the victim a friend request on steam to not only fully re-pay him in any way he/Steamrep deems acceptable, but to also properly apologize to him for what I had done in 2012.

    To add some additional information to the above paragraph, I did repay the victim with some Team Fortress 2 items in 2012, but it was only a fraction of the value of what I had scammed. Regardless, he was not fully repaid. I genuinely believe that attempt at repayment I previously made years ago should not be considered by Steamrep and IS NOT considered by myself. I want to repay the victim the full amount scammed + 60% based on the items value at the time of the scam, or the items value now - whichever is higher/victim chooses, and without consideration of how much I previously "repaid".

    Furthermore, I am a grown and mature adult now with a small family and a stable job - and if this appeal is rejected, I will be fully understanding of the decision as I am aware that I did commit the offence and there is nothing that I can do to change that. I just want to have a public record of myself finally making things right, and I would like to post the evidence/screenshots in this thread that repayment has been made.

    If the victim does not want to speak to me, or accept repayment from me, I would like to donate the amount (Item value + 60%) to any organization/cause of the victims choosing. If the victim does not choose an organization/cause, I will donate to any organization/cause chosen by the reviewing moderator of this appeal. This includes any charitable organization or even reimbursing other scam victims that cannot afford to re-purchase their scammed items.

    (This is also regardless of whether this appeal is accepted or rejected, even if it is rejected can you please make a recommendation for a donation I can make)

    I believe that the user may have my profile blocked, and if that is the case I may need to seek help in finding a way to properly contact him. I have provided a few screenshots of me adding and commenting on his profile(s) based on the steam links he had provided in his original Steamrep post about the scam.

    Hopefully this comes clear, but I would like to state that I have not scammed nor have I attempted, or am going to attempt to scam any users going forward/since this situation had occurred.

    If there is anything else important that should be added/provided, please let me know.

    Thanks for your time and consideration,


    Attached Files:

    • SR1.PNG
      File size:
      981.9 KB
    • SR3.PNG
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      618.7 KB
    • SR2.PNG
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      419.7 KB
  2. soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN

    soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN Banned on SteamRep

    I have gotten in touch with the victim, and am discussing forms of repayment with him now. I will continue to update this thread with evidence/chat logs. Screenshot is provided below.



    Attached Files:

    • SR4.PNG
      File size:
      389.3 KB
  3. ZeEpicHero

    ZeEpicHero New User

    Hi all,

    I am the user which was scammed back in 2012. Soxy/C7RS7 has indeed come into contact with me and the chat logs he has posted are legit.

    I am willing to work with him in the form of repayment to me, and accept that this can all be left in the past and his record cleared and the repayment has been made.

    I will work with C7RS7 on this in the next coming days to come to an agreement on the repayment amount. I will then make a post confirming whether or not a repayment is made. Once that is done I will deem it acceptable for an admin to accept this appeal.

    Thanks admins for your work.

    Kind regards,
  4. soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN

    soxy. T-LIQUID (srb) -grN Banned on SteamRep

    Agreeing on a repayment price totaling to a buff value of $1,200.00 based on historical value of the item scammed + historical value of the item equivalent in 'buds' (based on prices within a few days of the scam occurring).
    Agreeing to make the transaction within the same day of a moderator reply to this thread.

    Screenshots attached below.



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    • SR5.PNG
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      73 KB
    • SR6.PNG
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      386.9 KB
    • SR7.PNG
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    • SR8.PNG
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    • SR9.PNG
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      435.7 KB
  5. ZeEpicHero

    ZeEpicHero New User

    We have agreed to a hat price evaluation at the time of an average of 24 buds based on a backback.tf forum post from 8 years ago. Using tf2finance to find the exact cost of buds at the time of the scam (31USD), we have come to the total of 24x31 = 744USD + 60% (repayment add-on as stated by C7RS7 above) = 744+(0.6*744)=$1,190.4.

    We are awaiting a response from an admin to confirm that this payment is acceptable.

    I do believe that C7RS7 does want to right his wrong and I will completely accept his appeal to unban once I have received my repayment.
  6. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
  7. ZeEpicHero

    ZeEpicHero New User

    Hi admins,

    Please consider rejecting this appeal. It has been days since an admin responded and he still hasn't repaid me as he said he would above.

    Apologies, the chat is quite long so taking screenshots would take quite a long time. Here is a video of me scrolling through our chat as proof. I have also attached the chat logs as plaintext in the chat logs.txt file below.

    If you read the logs, you can see that I have been trying to hold him accountable and I have received nothing but excuses. I think it is clear that he no longer has the genuine intention to repay me. He had a CSGO item in his inventory that would have paid back the scam + promised +60%, but he said that "I don't want to give away my specific lore but I am okay with buying another one with the same value" (he could have bought himself another one, as floatdb shows he purchased the Karambit Lore from skinbay 8 days ago, so it is hardly special to him). This and similar excuses lead me to believe he had different intentions with his appeal. Please check out the chat logs attached to see other excuses and dodging of responsibility.

    Even worse so, on top of all of this, he is attempting to accuse me for an API scam that I evidently had no association with. This brings this whole situation to another level of potential conspiracy where I may even think he was planning on framing me from the start, or he at least had devious intentions. I think it is very convenient for him to have asked me to "give me the day to think on if I want to do that or something else", in regards to him asking me "Would you be okay with me trading you the karambit lore?"
    (which I accepted would be a fair payment), and then the next day being API scammed with most of his inventory.

    I simply don't think there is any defence he can have at this point. If he is genuinely sorry like he says he is he would have paid me by now, and he wouldn't have had to wait for a mod to even respond.

    Kind regards,

    Attached Files:

  8. Roudydogg1

    Roudydogg1 SteamRep Admin Friend Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Nearly 6 years ago you didn't even repay the user that you scammed. You may not "consider" that repayment, but we ABSOLUTELY do consider it a failure to repay fully what you stole. I think you only appealed then, and only claimed to try to repay now, only because of your ban here & that you want to get back into the "trading market" and not because you feel bad or have genuine sorrow for what you did.
    It was clear then, and it is even more evident now, that you show zero remorse for your actions, and therefore pose a significant and ongoing risk to others in the community.

    Per Steamrep policy, you already appealed and that appeal was Rejected, and you were NOT permitted to appeal again. Further appeal attempts will result in loss of posting privileges in the appeals section.