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Rejected Appeal: 76561198042072092 - ([HXXR]CR@ZY_C!0WN / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by [HXXR]CR@ZY_C!0WN, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. [HXXR]CR@ZY_C!0WN

    [HXXR]CR@ZY_C!0WN Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198042072092 ([HXXR]CR@ZY_C!0WN)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Process] Mistake - Admin misunderstood evidence or made a mistake
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    I had no intention of scamming anyone. I had no clue I scammed someone until today. About six years ago, I traded some DCL packs for team fortress items, which I did not know the DCLS where revoked. At the time I was using my family members visa card( with permission) to buy these DCLs. I think they charged back the money. There has been a huge miss understanding. The victim had never sent me an invite. If so I would have given all his items back. I have unintentionally without my knowledge scammed someone. I am sorry for my action, and if it is possible, I will pay the victims back.
    These incidents happened over 5-6 years ago. I can't find any conversation between us or our trade history. I have traded many items on TF2 and CSGO without any problem.
    I still have the bill's hat and I can give the item back​

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you have not repaid by now, I will not consider any appeal.
    Provide proof of repayment.
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review of the report/taking into account the appeal, I am unable to consider this appeal.
    Failure to followup.
    No proof of repayment/timely repayment.

    Appeal denied.