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Archived Appeal: 76561198044936126 - (eBrilliant / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ☢☡ombi∊☢Ki∟∟∊r☢, Nov 30, 2020.

  1. ☢☡ombi∊☢Ki∟∟∊r☢

    ☢☡ombi∊☢Ki∟∟∊r☢ Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198044936126 (eBrilliant)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Missing - Evidence is missing or not enough
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I personally do not own another single account, however around 2000 days after I got banned my cousin's personal account was also banned which is in no way my account. I also have some impersonators as I have since become relatively well known within the steam and csgo communities.

    Here is my cousin's steamrep block:
    | steamname: Elli Snipe
    | steam3ID: [U:1:96848312]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:48424156
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057114040
    | customURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ElliSnipe
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198057114040

    If you search my username in steam you will find over 10 bot/scammer accounts with the same artwork as me, or in some cases previous artwork I have used. I have reported all of these accounts multiple times, and nothing has happened. My account is level 142 on steam.
    Here is a list of the impersonations:

    Appeal description:

    Hello, my name is Ethan, however most people on steam know me as eBrilliant. I have been actively trading since 2011. My steamrep ban is due to two incidents that happened months apart in 2011 and early 2012 I will describe why further down in this appeal. I have been trying on and off to get my ban appealed, but I kept getting shot down. I have discussed this matter with an unnamed steamrep staff member who has told me that I should create a new thread. It has been almost a decade since I have been banned 3311 days ago which is 9.07 years. I


    At the time of my ban I was 10 years of age. I was born on June 15, 2001, and I was banned November 6, 2011. I have been active in the steam community since 2011, and active in trading since 2011. I started trading in TF2, however I moved to CS:GO shortly thereafter. I am now 19 years old, 20 on June 15, 2021. I am mainly a csgo collector and I do not trade as often as I would like to anymore, however I still do trade occasionally as time prohibited.

    Story of the incidents and what I have done since:

    My ban is the result of two incidents, and I will break them down one at a time:
    The first incident linked here:
    I apologize for the cringe from reading those messages ahead of time, as I said I was 10 years old. As you could see from the text logs I was basically harassing this person Voodoo133. I was harassing him because I had created a group with big plans, and I was harassing him to try to get a donation to my group, which he refused to do, and blocked me. I have been blocked by voodoo133 until today where I got a friend to add him on steam, and my friend asked him to unblock me and friend me, which he did. I wanted voodoo133 to talk to me for two reasons, the first was to apologize and explain to him what has happened, the other reason was to pay him a few dollars since we are supposed to pay the victim back, but I never took anything from him. Despite that I still offered him my money, skins, or a game, I would have, and still am happy to give him something as long as it is not too much money. However, he kept asking for more expensive things, and I told him clearly why I was offering him money, and despite that he removed and blocked me.
    Here is a link to our full message history from today:
    The second incident:
    This incident does have a link attached to it, however when clicked a HTTP error 500 is returned so it appears that the website no longer to be active. The reason specified in the hyperlink is "Pretending to be Server Admin to request item payment- Deception"
    What happened:
    I can not remember the name of the specific TF2 server, but it was a TF2 trading server, relatively large. On this server ther was a chat command which would pull up a menu within the HUD right about the chat, which would allow you get obtain noclip. I had advertised in this server that I would give people noclip with the intention of telling them the chat command for 1 scrap metal. Which was a very childish move, very immature, and nobody fell for this either.


    My actions from my past when I was a child in no way reflect how I currently behave. I have gone from a 10 year old child to an almost 20 year old man, and I have matured so much over the years. I take full responsibility for my past actions, and nothing will change my previous actions, however I hold myself fully accountable, and I will pay back anyone that I need to with any proof of so. Having a steamrep ban has made it extremely difficult to get and maintain a clean reputation in csgo and has also halted me from potential friends, websites, groups, communities. Despite having a steamrep ban I do legitimately enjoy trading and the trading community, and come what may from this appeal will continue to do. I anticipate the judgement on this appeal. I apologize for any stress I may have caused anyone.

    My first appeal (made when I was thirteen):
    y second appeal that I made for my cousin:
    https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198044936126-ebrilliant-banned-by-sr.182637/ .​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Already appealed and denied, already warned once about submission of invalid appeals, any further appeal attempt will result in loss of posting privileges in the appeal section. Your "unnamed" admin/staff gave you terrible advice.