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Archived Appeal: 76561198061956239 - (DaddysGirl / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by DaddysGirl, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. DaddysGirl

    DaddysGirl Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198061956239 (DaddysGirl)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Wrong Alt - Alternate account is not my account
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    This is my second appeal, my first one was denied for lying??? , I didn't lie not once, At this point i feel as if i'm being banned for absolutely no reason at all, This account https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046553053 is not mine!! i don't know how many times i have to say it, and at this point i wanna see the "proof" that this is supposedly my alternate, because this is ridiculous. I offered to do anything they need me to do for me to show this isn't my alt, but instead they ask me my relations with this random ass account https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198130806124 i told the admin i have absolutely no clue who this guy is and then i see my appeal got denied because I was "lying". This is ridiculous, at this point i wanna see the proof that this guy https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046553053 is apparently my alt, and why im being asked about this account for god knows why https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198130806124 i dont know this zoidberg guy!!!!! i offered to show my trade history from all the way back in 2016 being that my ban was added only 95 days ago, i only basically traded with scrap.tf bots and maybe like 3 actual people, but none were any of these accounts like 99% of my trades were scrap.tf bots and none of them were with any of these guys, I just need a explanation as to why i'm banned cause this is stupid, i'm completely innocent. i'm literally offering anything i can do to prove this isn't my account. so if someone can show me "proof" i wanna see it cause i know there isn't any. oh and if you can please do tell me what i "lied" about.

    I linked my trade history alllllll the way back to 2016, if you guys really need me to go deeper i will, but this is just ridiculous​

    Attached Files:

  2. DaddysGirl

    DaddysGirl Banned on SteamRep

    and if this appeal gets rejected i wanna know why.
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Already appealed and denied.
