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Archived Appeal: 76561198071504428 - (UberShyGuy / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ÜberSantaMan -=GHS=-, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. ÜberSantaMan -=GHS=-

    ÜberSantaMan -=GHS=- New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198071504428 (UberShyGuy)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Process] Severity - Severity of ban is higher than SteamRep policy recommends
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and the admin told me to appeal again at a later date

    Alternate Accounts:
    I have no ALT accounts​

    Appeal description:

    Before I go on my rant I must preface it with this: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/4348-ubershyguy-76561198071504428-a.html

    That is the link to my accepted ban request, all screenshots within that link will be used as evidence.

    Around 2 or so years ago I was playing Team Fortress 2 on a semi-empty unusual trading server, with just my friends and some randoms. So I thought that, as a joke, I would say that I was selling vintage buds; to stir up a commotion in the barren server. I am not sure of the kind of buds but I'm sure it was something ridiculously priced and rare of the sort anyhow. All of my friends knew it was a joke and they traded me offering ridiculous sums of cash as a response to the joke. Naturally, I did not agree to these. Then one guy frantically messaged and added me to try to trade for the buds. I thought this was funny but I decided not to record due to my computer being very old and slow at the time, something I regret doing to this date. For future reference this trader was apparently an admin of Steam Rep. His name was Forte Engarde and has changed to ForteSP since then. I am unsure of his current identity since I haven't addressed this issue in such a long time. Anyways, basically he was offering 14 keys. I tried to dismiss him by saying someone else offered that and that I was not interested. I was about to retire the joke after about 5 minutes of seeing who would offer the most. I was a tad socially awkward at the time ( and still am ), so I did not want to or know how to talk to the man who had desperately tried to contact me. From the screenshot in the report, the altercation was quite brief, and not nearly enough time for me to get my bearings. To ease him into the joke I was making it super obvious by saying "noooooo, its not a scam :3"; a clearly sarcastic thing to say. But he took it literally like I was actually trying to scam him. In his perspective, it might seem like I tried to scam him but the reason the trade offers kept erroring was because I kept rejecting all the offers he had sent. No one was endangered, and neither were any items given to me as a result of my joke. ForteSP had assumed I was scamming the whole time, so he wasn't endangered of getting "scammed" either. And even if this was a scam attempt, I had a clean reputation of being a very nice and friendly trader until this misunderstanding.

    I plead innocence on the matter, and even if I am guilty of a scam, it is by no means necessary to have me tagged for 2 years for a game I rarely play anymore. I cannot use any external websites (such as outpost, CSGOlounge, etc.) and it is really hindering my gaming experience. I am a reputable player and promise no further shenanigans will lead me in a similar situation again. If I can go 2 years without "scamming" someone, I think I am worthy of having my tag removed. Even though I plead innocence, I have marked it as guilty intentionally.

    Warm regards,
    Evan Maimone
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin
