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Accepted Appeal: 76561198102914247 - (blanki / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by GeT_SnIpEd, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198102914247 (blanki)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Fake - Report had falsified evidence
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I have multiple Steam accounts, but none related to this incident - if you require them, I can link them.​

    Appeal description:
    This occurred around 5 years ago - I was 15 years old at the time. I was trying to get into trading and I got scammed by a friend. I literally cried over a Bill's hat because it meant so much to me at the time - I remember it vividly. After he scammed me, he falsified evidence and reported me on SteamRep. I was shocked. In the thread you can see that I accused him of lying. I don't even think my Steam name was the same as the Steam name in his PhotoShopped evidence. I believe that he actually sent me a trade that had the wallet scam and then somehow altered the names.

    I am appealing this now, after so long, because after it not having a huge impact, I want to do trades with knives in CS, and I want my reputation cleared. I still am furious that this false allegation was approved and I was really devastated at the time.

    Hopefully, I am able to clear this because it is really horrible to have this traumatic event in the past affect me 5 years later on. Thank you for anyone who is able to help. Unfortunately, as it has been so long, I don't have evidence to prove that I am innocent. If we can, perhaps it would be beneficial to look back through the thread which resulted in my SR ban and find weaknesses which show I was not guilty of the attempted scam. Thank you.​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you are claiming false evidence, you need to 1. Provide a detailed timeline of any/all interactions you had with the reporter, be as precise as possible 2. Explicitly identify exactly what is false, item by item. 2a. specifically what irregularities are present if any and provide your own counter evidence. 3. What is true from the report. 4. Any other supporting evidence you have, just making a general claim of "fake evidence" is a great way to have the appeal denied. 5. Disclosing alts is not optional, it is required.

    You have two weeks to followup.

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  3. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    Firstly, I am leaving for holiday in a few days so I will only have a few days to find what you have asked. Second, this happened 5 years ago so it will be very hard for me to find evidence to prove that it was faked (how even would I do that?).
    For 1) I am unable to provide any interactions.
    2) This is the screenshot used to propose that I was attempting a scam: https://forums.steamrep.com/attachments/scam-png.171783/
    I am 99% certain that I have never gone by the name Pootispenser. The trader in the picture used to accuse me was not in fact me. At the time, I linked my Steam Trade history in order to prove that I hadn't sent such a trade. Currently, I am unable to find out how to view back to my sent trade offers from such a long time ago. If I can, it can prove absolutely that I was not the one in the picture used to accuse me - I did not attempt such a scam.
    3) Nothing is true from the report. What I suspect is that the person who accused me had a secondary Steam account and made this trade offer from one account to another and reported it as being me. I never sent such a trade offer - we both used £s rather than $s so it wouldn't make any sense for me to offer $s?
    4) I don't know how to show me trade offers at the time but if you can look back to the date of the allegation, you will see that I never sent such a trade - and in fact my account name would have been different to the one in the picture. The accusation was completely ludicrous and so I was deeply frustrated.
    5) Here is my Steam Alt account - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198218515829/

    As you can see, my accounts are squeaky clean. I am not a scammer. I have done high-value trades on my main for CS:GO items and I would just like my name cleared. If there is anything else I can do please let me know. I am at a loss.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So your claim is:
    A. You never knew nor had any interactions with the user who reported you.
    B. The screenshot(s) provided are not fake, but generated from a different account.
    C. You never used the steam name provided in the report.

    All correct?

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  5. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    I had interactions with them - they were my friend. They scammed me of an item and then accused me of scamming them (as stated in the original appeal).

    I assume the screenshots they took where either faked or generated from a different account - either way I count that as faking evidence towards me.

    I am fairly certain I have never used that Steam name.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    OK, I already asked what interactions you had with them, you said you had none to provide. This is not optional.
    Fake screens or from a different account, I already told you just spewing out random claims is a great way to get an appeal denied. As for name-history, you did or did not use that name, their is no "maybe? but probably not"
    You are not helping at all if you did nothing wrong, you have provided nothing useful so far. Reread my original questions are answer appropriately, I will give you the remainder of the two weeks to do so or the appeal will be concluded as-is.

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  7. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    My apologies, I am a little stressed at the moment and I think I had some confusion about your question. I was friends with him and we interacted playing TF2, however I cannot provide proof or conversations because I have had a new PC and done factory reset and lost the images I had at the time. Sorry about this. I also apologies for my claims - I thought it would be useful to tell you what I believe happened. This is my best guess. I am sorry for making your life difficult - I would like to assist you in whichever way I can now. Thank you for your help.
  8. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    Because it has been so long, I don't really have any evidence, other than evidence that I can display based on the accusation (i.e. it doesn't make sense nor match my account trade offers). If I am unable to prove this is the case, is it possible to appeal on other grounds - My accounts have no reports, I am a clean player and it has been such a long time since the allegation?

    If this is not possible, then I need to do everything I can to prove to you that I am innocent. Thank you.
  9. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Now that I had time to look into the report and our own information, their are a multiple load of issues with your appeal, you will need to add me on steam to discuss further.
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  10. GeT_SnIpEd

    GeT_SnIpEd New User

    Added. I leave for holiday (for almost 2 weeks) on Thursday - it would be preferable if a larger time allocation was applied for this appeal as I feel like it's going to require some hard work lol
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a detailed review, I have found evidence that casts enough doubt on the report to void it for possible fake evidence.

    Saying that, everything you did/say in this appeal, including chatting with me on steam, would have resulted in certain denial of your appeal if not for my thoroughness. You did not answer the majority of my questions to satisfaction, commonly omitting, misremembering or outright giving answers that I already knew were false during our interview. If you were to appeal again and gave the same performance, less any additional evidence, appeal would have been denied.

    Appeal granted.

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