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Archived Appeal: 76561198107166028 - (EPicat / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by epicat, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. epicat

    epicat Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198107166028 (EPicat)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    Hi, to start off, I realize this is an extremely long shot, and I realize that having my status as a scammer is almost surely never going to be revoked, but I thought I'd come out here just as a formality, to say that in the span of almost 7 years since my ban, I have done no wrong, I have done more good for the tf2 community than I could of ever possibly done harm, by far, and it's not something I can easily put in a steam rep appeal, something as evidence of payback or something. I've been trading properly, I've been playing the game, I've taught many many people intricacies of playing in different ways like: rocket jumping, trick stabbing, rollouts, mge training, general new player training and many other things over the years, I've run giveaways, I've bought random friends I've made on tf2 games they've wanted, all this over the span of 7 years but not to ever put in in writing anywhere, it just happened, and I realized now after all this time that I've done all this with a big red marker that said I was a scammer in mind, knowing that at any point someone could, and would, pull up my steamrep page to show that they know that I am a horrible person that cannot ever be trusted again, and I accept that, I've dealt with it for over 7 years as I've mentioned, but again, as I have also mentioned, I have done nothing harmful to the community ever since my ban. I am as big as an avid tf2 player/trader as it can get, I'll never let go of this game, It's not something that I could ever drop, it legitimately is a part of my life as sad as it might sound to read. This is starting to sound like some tear baiting begging, please believe me it's not, I am a piece of s✿✿✿, regardless of what anyone says, I scammed innocent players out of their own items that they were proud to own, and it sucks. I was a different person but at a certain point, when I think about the 2014 era of tf2 trading it really was a "wild west" version of an online environment, the whole thing started when I was a wee boy on a cp_orange map and some guy pretending to be a woman and had their claws in me, sending me messages implying they're a major tf2 trader and what not until eventually I trade my entire tf2 inventory for some promised money coming my way to be rewarded with a block. This event truly devasted me, and I know that that makes me sound like an absolute hypocrite because of course, I've turned that feeling onto the people I wrongfully scammed, but at the time I was not capable of any type of critical thinking that could reach that conclusion, and through sheer unacceptance of the result of that scam 14 year old me decided that the fastest way was to use the same exact method used on me to get back what I had lost, and so I did. I browsed my friends list until I found the user that was the first person to report me on this site. He had not launched tf2 in a few years as I remember it, and I did the entire shtick that the guy from cp_orange did to me onto him, and to my surprise I was traded their inventory. From then on any time I found a similar situation like the first one I would take it. But ever since my ban, and I promise on all my life, I have not violated anyone's trust, nor would I ever, it sickens me to think of doing it to someone now days, I've been scammed on csgo multiple times in many intricate ways and the guttural feeling of losing something of value to no fault of your own bounces in my head to the mere thought of doing someone wrong in any form of trading. I truly truly love the tf2 community more that I could possibly any other, and this ban impedes me from ever being a proper member of it, and knowing that I will never be able to interact with this community as a proper and honest member again destroys me, because I will never drop tf2 and therefore I will never drop this dark cloud over my head. In conclusion, I'm honestly not making this appeal with high hopes of ever being unbanned, but to have my voice in writing about my thought on the whole situation as a more experienced and mature version of myself in retrospect of my actions. I am so sorry to the people I have wronged in the most tight and prosperous community of all games on pc, and on some level, I agree that I should be marked for the things I've done. Sorry.​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Appealed and denied, further attempted appeal will result in loss of posting privileges in the appeals section, even in this farce of an attempt, you still failed to provide what was asked 6 years ago IN YOUR ORIGINAL APPEAL YOU ABANDON.

    After further reading, I'm going to revoke your posting privileges in appeals now, per appeal policy, as you changed your story after already being denied.

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    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022