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Rejected Appeal: 76561198140045389 - (Queen / SR CAUTION)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Queen 4, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. Queen 4

    Queen 4 Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for SR CAUTION

    Steam profile: 76561198140045389 (Queen)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I had one alternate account when my current account, the one linked to my steamrep account was hijacked but i have not touched it since getting my main account back. I don't even remember the password or account name.​

    Appeal description:
    This is going to sound like a textbook BS excuse to you but i do promise, 100%. What i am telling is the full and honest truth, I am not a scammer. I have only traded between close friends maybe once or twice. If i wanted an item i'd just buy it off the steam market. What had happened is i was a dumb like 15 i think year old kid who got a steam message from one of my friends claiming that "dude i just reported your account" the usual scammer spiel but i didn't know that at the time and just followed through with what he said. My account got stolen for a couple hours before i could successfully retrieve it, all my personal information was changed it my account looked like usual scammer account profile. When i got my account back i changed my url out of excitement and haven't changed it since. But ever since then i've been labeled a scammer and i just kind of ignored it cuz i didn't trade so it had no lasting impacting my playing of video games, and this was the peak of when tf2 wasn't being played by as many people so i kinda stopped playing tf2 so again i didn't care about my steam profile being labeled a scammer. Fast forward to now, when tf2's had a bit of resurgence and i wanted to play it again more regularly and all the casuals are full of bots and i can't join any community servers cuz im insta banned on 80% of the servers, i can't use the trading websites, quicksell.store, Backpack.tf, Scrap.tf. I am not a scammer, i have never been a scammer, i will never be a scammer. Im sorry cant show too much 'evidence' to back up my innocence but it's been years and i've gotten two new computers since this happened. I cant send any more pictures, i do hope im doing this right i've never done this before, i literally made an acc on this website just so i can make an appeal. Im sorry if i did something wrong in the process.​

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    If you are claiming hijack, you must provide the following
    1. Exact dates (or as close as you possibly can) from when you lost your account to when you regained the account.
    2. A support ticket from Valve indicating you were hijacked and you recovered your account.
    3. Inventory history two weeks prior to the hijacking through two weeks after account recovery.

    All the info must be uploaded to the forums here and comply with our screenshot policy. You have two weeks to followup.
  3. Queen 4

    Queen 4 Banned on SteamRep

    The closest date to my account haven being taken would be August 14th 2019, and then i got my account back on the 17th of August 2019. A much bigger time than the 'few hours' i had said previously but this was literally years ago and the exact details were and still are fuzzy for me. As for the steam support messages themselves i cannot show you the ticket. They've been closed for more than 60 days so they've been deleted. But i can prove these WERE the times i lost my account due to the forum post on this website that got me banned corroborating the time frame. Seen here, https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198179826111-tf2-team-fortress-2-items.190229/
    Account was taken on the 14th of August, my hijacked account was reported here on the same date, then shortly after on the 15th i was banned. And at the bottom i've added my inventory history and then my trade history at those times. I hope this helps, even though i am lacking the actual steam tickets themselves but they have been deleted with time so it's not like i could retrieve them.
    upload_2023-8-1_12-50-14.png upload_2023-8-1_12-59-54.png upload_2023-8-1_12-50-52.png upload_2023-8-1_13-0-37.png upload_2023-8-1_13-2-59.png upload_2023-8-1_13-4-38.png
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    None of your pictures comply with our screenshot policy already mentioned to you. Further, if you cannot provide the ticket, the appeal cannot be considered.
    You have the remainder of the two weeks to followup.
  5. Queen 4

    Queen 4 Banned on SteamRep

    uh, did you not read what i had typed? i literally cannot get you the ticket. It's been years and the tickets have been deleted. I did comply with your screenshot policy. I gave you what i can retrieve. I have access to my account, have had access to my account for years now.
    please be reasonable.
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    The appeal has no way forward w/o the ticket. You have the remainder of the two weeks before the appeal is concluded. And no, you did not comply, your inventory screens are cropped, did you not read what i had typed? Also we are very reasonable with all hijacking claims, its one of the only type of tagging s that we have standardized everything asked for all users, for a successful appeal, regardless of the admin who takes it.

  7. Queen 4

    Queen 4 Banned on SteamRep

    I'm sorry you see this from that point of view, but you are not only in the wrong, you are being unreasonable and stubborn on an issue that I literally cannot control. I cannot retrieve the tickets from several years ago, they get auto deleted after 60 days. The screenshots are clipped yes but everything that is required has been shown, dates, time frames, and proof that nothing went into or out of my account when my account was hijacked. I have followed your rules to the best of my abilities and you are heartless in your admin duties. This was a simple issue with a simple fix but you decided to focus on the wrong things and remain blind to the obvious. Not out of ignorance but purposeful uncaring attitude.
    Frankly put, you're a piece of s✿✿✿ and you just like power tripping.

    Attached Files:

  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Understand you are upset over your situation, but this is a firm policy so you are projecting your frustration onto me. I am going to give it a pass this time around. Once the appeal is concluded and if you do not like the outcome, you are free to submit an appeal review and explain why the rules apply to everyone else but you. Until then, im still giving you the two weeks.


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  9. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You have had plenty of time to followup and despite giving more than ample followup time, you chose not to comply with the bare minimum asked of you (and acknowledged by you), for that reason alone, the appeal is denied.

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    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative).**