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Archived Appeal: 76561198145841531 - (Head? / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by M1G4X, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. M1G4X

    M1G4X Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198145841531 (Head?)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    I admit, that I changed the price of my knife on cs money. It was one time thing. I was desperate for new skin. I was still young and stupid . That isn't me anymore. I've changed and understand now that i shouldn't steal other people's hard earned money. Now that I'm going to the job, I understand how much hard work money is worth. I'm not the person i used to be.
    With best regards,

    I didnt have any info back so i decided to write appeal again.
    You writed to me a long time ago to make another appeal in future, i made and you rejected my appeal.
    here you have screenshot. You told me that i should take someone who know english, and wrote an appeal .
    When i write with "Horse" i was drunk i really regret this. Can i have any chance to unban?..
    best regards,
    At the 2nd ss you wrote me that i should think why i lied admin. I regret this but i said that i was drunked and really angry for this situation.​

    Attached Files:

    • rep.png
      File size:
      177.6 KB
    • 2nd.png
      File size:
      144 KB
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You were NEVER given any permission to submit additional appeals, thank you for even quoting my previous comments showing I never said or implied you could.

    Per previous warning, you have lost all posting privileges in the appeals section for submission of frivolous appeal attempts.