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Rejected Appeal: 76561198162292242 - (Jetrom / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Jetrom, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Jetrom

    Jetrom Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198162292242 (Jetrom)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    I could not deceive any victims. But now I apologize for trying to deceive them. At that time I was stupid, I wanted easy money, but I could not get one. Six months passed and I realized my guilt, and I would be glad to forgive. I used an interpreter, so there will be errors in this message. Once again I'm sorry. I never deceived any sacrifice. There were only attempts. Now I just play games and do not try to deceive anyone.

    I'm very ashamed of what I did.

    I hope that you will understand me

    ---------------АзербайджанскийАлбанскийАмхарскийАнглийскийАрабскийАрмянскийАфрикаансБаскскийБелорусскийБенгальскийБирманскийБолгарскийБоснийскийВаллийскийВенгерскийВьетнамскийГавайскийГаитянскийГалисийскийГреческийГрузинскийГуджаратиГэльскийДатскийЗападный фризскийЗулуИвритИгбоИдишИндонезийскийИрландскийИсландскийИспанскийИтальянскийЙорубаКазахскийКаннадаКаталанскийКиргизскийКитайский (традиционный)Китайский (упрощенный)КорейскийКорсиканскийКосаКурдскийКхмерскийЛаосскийЛатинскийЛатышскийЛитовскийЛюксембургскийМакедонскийМалагасийскийМалайскийМалаяламМальтийскийМаориМаратхиМонгольскийНемецкийНепальскийНидерландскийНорвежскийНьянджаПанджабиПерсидскийПольскийПортугальскийПуштуРумынскийРусскийСамоанскийСебуанскийСербскийСингальскийСиндхиСловацкийСловенскийСомалиСуахилиСунданскийТаджикскийТайскийТамильскийТелугуТурецкийУзбекскийУкраинскийУрдуФилиппинскийФинскийФранцузскийХаусаХиндиХмонгХорватскийЧешскийШведскийШонаЭсперантоЭстонскийЮжный сотоЯванскийЯпонскийАнглийский​

    Attached Files:

  2. Jetrom

    Jetrom Banned on SteamRep

  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    @Jetrom please accept my steam invite.

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  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review of the report/taking into account the appeal, I am unable to consider this appeal.
    This is considered an advance scam technique that requires a lot of premeditation and overhead.
    As you told me, you did more then just refer users to fake sites but directly participated in the scams via a "control panel" you were set up with to help carry out the offenses/attempts. You did this for a few different sites.
    I do thank you for your honesty in trying to track down the site operators.

    Appeal denied.

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