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Archived Appeal: 76561198236511438 - (swag / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by 1swaggiee, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. 1swaggiee

    1swaggiee Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198236511438 (swag)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: No, I committed no fraud or had no direct victims
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:

    Appeal description:
    My account was hijacked by some Indian guy when I was trading CS go items a couple years ago, and ever since I got it back, I had gotten back into playing TF2 and would like to buy in game cosmetics.

    I have document proof that this is my account., with valid transaction logs from added funds. And one thing, I saw the comment history of when I posted comments vs when he posted comments and you can see the difference from when I owned the account and when he hijacked it, and I can confidently say I DO NOT type like that. From December 15, 2015 to May 14, 2019, you can see the clear difference of personalities to when he hijacked my account on May 14, he would copy and paste "accept me to discuss your offer" all the way until June 19, 2019 (when I got my account back). I DO NOT and WOULD NOT EVER personally comment on your profile to discuss trade offers. You can clearly see that I only posted comments on players profiles as ways to reach out from past friendship communication; and considering the fact that I did all my trading in-game (TF2) or buying my own items with added funds (CS:GO + proof of funds added).

    Also, as you can see in one of the screencaps, he is speaking some foreign language I have no prior knowledge on, and I'm full English and don't know any other languages and speak English 1000% fine. If this isn't proof that this WASN'T me, then idk what else to do, because all I ever wanted to do was be able to trade again on TF2. I never cared for CS:GO skins and that was all that was being traded on this account when it was hijacked. The personality difference and copying/pasting is a CLEAR giveaway that some foreign guy took my account to impersonate some other trader and it's honestly sickening and disgusting.

    If needed, I will physically get on a video / voice chat to prove that I'm a normal, average, American guy that plays TF2...

    Other giveaways:

    1. random posted Facebook links
    2. Grammar is completely off; doesn't use any type of punctuation when typing.
    2. He would copy/paste "accept to discuss on MULTIPLE profiles, " EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
    4. Speaking some foreign language; i'm not racist, but it looks like some sort of language from India and indians are known to scam... HARD..​

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You failed to read what was linked to you in your previous appeal thread, Please actually READ it this time.
    Further attempts will result in your threads being archived w/o reply.