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Archived Appeal: 76561198412064447 - (Not Dave Or Daniel / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by HammerJack1 [Trader], Feb 27, 2023.

  1. HammerJack1 [Trader]

    HammerJack1 [Trader] Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198412064447 (Not Dave Or Daniel)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Accounts] Hijacked - My account was abused by hijacker
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: Yes, I appealed here before and it was denied.

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    Tbag, Tbag 275 (my brothers accounts), HammerJack1 I Trader(dead account)​

    Appeal description:
    It's been 5 years ever since I've been banned by SR. Ever since I've been banned in over half of the trade servers in TF2. Here's my story of why was banned

    I first installed Steam and Tf2 at the beginning of 2018. I was young and unexperienced in the platform but I loved TF2. mid 2018 comes around and I encountered my first scammer. They pull the usual "duped items talk to my mate" bs and my account is taken away. 2 days later (with support from my mum) the account is taken back but at a cost. One of my actual steam friends reported my account to Steamrep, and so begins a saga of being denied access towards trade servers that I loved playing on.

    Now comes 2023, I just recently learned that Steamrep has a system where if I trade with someone, it could flag their account. Which is why I've decided to come back to this website.

    Because this was 5 YEARS AGO. I do not have the chat logs of the whole encounter. I didn't have them earlier either because my first report was in 2019. Far after the 14 day threshold that friend chat logs have.

    The 2 images are the proof that I literally cannot find the chat logs from back then. I also do not have any images because my hard drive for my PC is busted and I have a brand new desktop computer over my old laptop (even then back in 2018 I'd be playing via a high school laptop).

    I am 20 years old, born 11, 2, 2003. In 2018 I would've been 15 years old. Being this young and new to steam, it should be obvious that I didn't know how tf to handle a hijacking completely, or even remember to find the evidence to fix my account.

    I can send pictures of my birth certificate along with showing the age of my steam account if need be, Believe me I will show anything that proves that I was f✿✿✿✿✿✿ stupid back in 2018.

    I also want to note that my account holds some unobtainable items such as my Orange Box exclusives and my Poker Night rewards. I have also been getting into Source-modding in the TF2 community, working on projects such as TF2C and producing a good hand full of workshop items in the hopes of getting into TF2 so I can make some pocket change. I CAN'T keep my account like this or i'l never be able to properly express feedback or communicate to tf2 members who frequently chat via trade servers

    In conclusion. This account is highly important to me. Ever since I've been a marked scammer on trade servers, I can guarantee you haven't seen any other reports related towards this account over the past 5 YEARS that my account has been like this. I cannot certifiably prove that my account was phished. But I can prove that I was dumb enough to end up in a situation like this and I can prove that my account is too important to me to have such a restriction under. View attachment 805437 View attachment 805435 View attachment 805436

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You have had two previous appeals denied for lack of sufficient evidence of an actual hijacking claim. You post another appeal without any new proof today. I'm sorry, we cannot have you submit endless appeals nor do we have an endless amount of "new" admins to review each new appeal you end up posting. I'm declining to look at your case any further since it was already reviewed twice by two different admins. Further attempts will result in loss of posting privileges in the appeals section.


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