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Invalid Appeal: 76561198895072901 - (الصويا / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ジョーカー, May 27, 2020.

  1. ジョーカー

    ジョーカー Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198895072901 (الصويا)

    Appeal Plea: I committed some of the listed offenses, but not all of them
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: Yes, I repaid the victims of my offense(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    I don't have any other accounts​

    Appeal description:
    I know I did something wrong which is trying to get steam wallet balance from the other player, but I really regret what happen because this is my main account and i still have a lot of items here and also my friends here. It's lockdown and I really need my account to play so I don't need to get go outside please. Yes, I tried getting the steam wallet from the other player and bought some dota items with it and that's why I get banned. But please give me LAST chance please, I will never be doing it again. I just really want to play, if that will happen again. Please just ban me again and ignore if it will be happening again please :(
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Invalid, you may only submit an appeal with the originally tagged account.