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Archived Appeal Review for 76561198046696068 (Nimrod)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by DNK, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. DNK

    DNK Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: Partner community is abusing their tag privileges, and won't let me appeal
    Past Appeal: https://f-o-g.trade/appeals/307

    Steam profile: 76561198046696068 (Nimrod)

    Make your case:
    I did more than two appeals. The first one was not in my favor since I didn't show the admin what they asked for. The second one they didn't care and simply told me to not make any more appeals or I will be banned from their site. Then 2 years later I thougth they would 'grow up' in a sence to give me a fair chance now. I was 16 when I got the banned and now I'm 20 years old with a family. And they just did the same exact thing that they don't care about my appeal and now they banned me from their website with a NEVER expiring link. I don't think its fair because I did search back my trade history and screenshotted that I gave back the person NOT ONLY their knife but an extra AWP ASIIMOV. I know what I did was wrong and I'm not trying to appeal here for what I did 4 years ago but its just not fair how they handle the situation. Thanks in advance!​

    Attached Files:

  2. DNK

    DNK Banned on SteamRep

    Also I was not banned from scamming but only for impersonating and I did tell them that I actually scammed but payed back and they do not care about that even that I showed them pictures.
  3. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your first appeal was denied for failure to document repayment. Using SteamRep's appeal policy as a reference, which partners follow fairly closely with a little bit of discretion, unless you are claiming innocence, you must repay all of your victims before appealing or the appeal is automatically rejected. Serious scams such as impersonation are also generally denied regardless of alleged change of heart, and cases where multiple scams were committed are also usually denied regardless of repayment, but from what I can see, you didn't even make an effort to show you repaid they gave you a chance despite all that. You also get denied for lying, and you contradicted yourself during the appeal about how many people you scammed, but it looks like they afforded leniency there as well.

    There is no mishandling in your second, third, or later for refusing to look at it, because they've already done their due diligence. You are entitled to 1 (one) appeal per tag, no more. Partners are not expected to honor additional appeals after that. Once that appeal is denied, you are out of options, no matter how many years have passed. The same would be true of a SteamRep tag. You can't simply submit an appeal review to overrule an appeal decision you don't like.

    You claim in your appeal that you committed the offense multiple times, so you were clearly not innocent when you received the tag. There was no mention of any personal vendetta they had against you when issuing the tag, which is what would qualify as abuse. You did not meet any requirements to have an appeal granted the first time. Before I close your appeal review once and for all, is there anything I missed?
  4. DNK

    DNK Banned on SteamRep

    Yes there is... I got banned for impersonating. Then, I did tell them that I was scamming and even when I showed the pictures they didn't believe. And also its quite, excuse my language here, b*llshit that if you did something wrong as a kid you get punished for it as an adult. I can make a new account since my 2 smurfs are not steamrep banned and I could just trade on those accounts but it seems rather unfair as I can see that I can't get more than 1 appeal. What If I really couldn't give them the pictures they asked for in the first place? I did send them but later which annoys me how someone can judge another human based on their 'reputation' or trustworthyness.
  5. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    The only appeal we can review is your first one, because that's all the community was required to provide. So that's what I'm working with.

    Having committed (and claimed repayment for) additional scams beyond what you were tagged for does not entitle you to a favorable appeal, and repayment for those scams does not guarantee your appeal will be granted. Other circumstances, including your behavior and apparent remorse, are taken into consideration. It is not their fault you didn't take your appeal seriously.

    Appeals for cases where multiple scams are committed are usually denied automatically to begin with, but the community in question also felt that your multiple offenses, and attitude during your first appeal were grounds to deny. Since there is no indication of mishandling, I cannot grant your appeal review. FoG's original decision to deny stands, it will not be overturned, and you may not appeal again.