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Archived Appeal Review for 76561198106794035 (One tam vatje)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by One Tap Vatje, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. One Tap Vatje

    One Tap Vatje Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: New evidence not produced in your original appeal
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198106794035-one-tap-vatje-banned-by-sr.192451/

    Steam profile: 76561198106794035 (One tam vatje)

    Make your case:
    Since the last denial i made another appeal but didnt know it was not allowed. On the first appeal the admin asked for evidence on the repaiment, i dont have any since that was handled irl. Even tough there is no evidence you can check the trades that have been made since the scam and that is none. The other accounts used where accounts from friends i onlu have acess to this account. Also i cant comment on a thread so i wont be able to defend myself so this is the only message that i can send. Thanks ahead and i hope you see my review.​

    Attached Files:

  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Your appeal is over and done with, all appeal decisions are final, you already had your opportunity to argue your case. If you attempt to re-argue your originally denied appeal, this review will be closed instantly.

    Out of an abundance of caution Ill restate what you already agreed to and affirmed you understood when you selected to submit an appeal review in the first place, any deviation from this and the review will be closed.

    Per our FAQ, you are allowed to have your appeal reviewed by another admin to decide if you deserve a second appeal, only in the event of extenuating circumstances. To do this, you must choose one of these reasons, and explain:
    1. New evidence not produced in your original appeal.
    2. Unfair appeal. Note: A different appeal admin will review your original appeal and decide if their is enough to grant you a new appeal.
    3. Other extenuating circumstance at admins discretion.
    Example of new evidence: Reporter was banned for submitting fake reports/screenshots to maliciously harm people's reputation, after your appeal was denied, supporting your claim to innocence you made in said rejected appeal.
    Example of unfair appeal: Appeals admin had a conflict of interest, or mishandled your case (e.g. rejected by same admin who accepted report, had a personal vendetta, etc).

    NOTE: Appeal reviews are not appeals. You only get one appeal, and once denied you are out of options, no matter how much time has passed. Appeal reviews are intended as a level of oversight in case of admin abuse/mishandling or extenuating circumstances. Using the appeal review process to request a second chance again, or because you don't like the admin's decision, will automatically result in your review being denied. Once denied, you cannot request any additional appeal reviews ever again.

    Before we can proceed, I need you to select one of the above options and explain.
  3. One Tap Vatje

    One Tap Vatje Banned on SteamRep

    I choose nr 1

    the new “evidence” is that back then the victim was not repaid and he is now. And i did not get my say in the appeal.
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You chose new evidence,

    That is not new evidence, You should have repaid prior to have the appeal considered in the first place, we make this very clear in the appeal guide, further, its in no way any guarantee you would have been unbanned.
    Ref: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-guide.66354/ #9 And finally, you did not provide any actual new evidence in this review.

    As for not getting your say, that is not a new evidence issue as you were given multiple opportunities to reply to your original appeal, seven weeks you abandoned your appeal, that is wholly on you and is not grounds for consideration for a new appeal.

    Do you have any additional new evidence that was not available during your initial appeal? (and if so, you MUST provide it)
  5. One Tap Vatje

    One Tap Vatje Banned on SteamRep

    No i dont, the only thing i have to say is that now in belgium we arent allowed to trade anymore as it is considered gambeling here if you guys dont unban me thats your descision. As i am not banned on steam itself
  6. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    The original appeal is upheld and your review is denied.

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