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Accepted Appeal Review for 76561198148533914 (Rusian Eton)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by (FC}Rusian, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. (FC}Rusian

    (FC}Rusian Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: New evidence not produced in your original appeal
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads...14-fc-rusian-banned-by-sr.187152/#post-496780

    Steam profile: 76561198148533914 (Rusian Eton)

    Make your case:
    I was banned for being accused as an alt of my IRL friend https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198267248436 who was banned after his account was hijacked by a phishing scam when he was 12. I was never involved in the original situation and was banned likely because my name was similar to that which the hacker had changed my friends name to (MY name was Rusian, the hacker changed my friends account to R U i). I previously submitted an appeal but the incredibly long wait of 4 months to get a response on top of the community bans related to the steamrep ban had lead me to quit TF2 and trading until i recently got back into the game.

    I understand my ability to appeal is likely to be declined but please understand that a 4 month wait on top of receiving no notifications (assuming gmail sent them to spam), and being busy in life meant i didn't respond within the time window. I apologize for not responding within the time window and would like to be able to add new information and clarify existing information as at the time i said everything i could on the situation as i didn't have the information requested by rule 7.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Apologies for the delay. Reviewing your appeal, and the reason it was denied, I have decided to grant your appeal review and authorize a rare exception to our one-appeal-per-lifetime policy. Bear in mind that this only means you are being granted special permission to submit another appeal, due to individual circumstances. It does not address any of the reasons you were banned in the first place or impact your chances of a favorable outcome, as it is out of scope for me to pass judgement on whether your tag itself was deserved. My only job in appeal reviews is to decide whether the appeal was properly handled by the admin according to policies, or if any special extenuating circumstances apply that would warrant an exception.

    From your appeal:
    I believe that "lying by omission" does not apply here because you didn't say anything at all. While it is normal for appeals to be denied for inactivity (a point of internal discussion that delayed my final decision), there is a distinction between replying with a half-truth, and failing to reply at all. Since I do not believe you lied by omission, I am overturning that specific judgement, invalidating the outcome of your appeal, and in effect allowing you once again to appeal your ban. Bear in mind that while not mentioned in your specific appeal, inactivity is also a valid reason to deny, especially if the appellant disappears immediately upon being asked a question that would be difficult for someone guilty to answer and defend. Should you submit a new appeal, be prepared to explain why you disappeared.
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