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Accepted Appeal Review for 76561198158698953 (Jazzerty)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Mr. Jazzerty, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. Mr. Jazzerty

    Mr. Jazzerty Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: The appeals admin violated SteamRep policy
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198158698953-jazzerty-banned-by-sr.192877/

    Steam profile: 76561198158698953 (Jazzerty)

    Make your case:
    I feel as if my appeal was not actually given proper consideration, as the reason for rejection was a clerical error which was immediately rectified once notified. Yes, I admit blame and oversight on my part in failing to completely fulfill the supplying of all information regarding the case, but once requested and clarified, I not only supplied all the information I had available, but continued to make extra effort to keep the information up to date, as seen in the comment made in September. The reason for denial, while technically valid, I feel warrants at least some review as I was asked to provide more information regarding the situation and I did, only for it to be denied based on the prior premise. My first error was an oversight, but it was not malicious. I was offered the ability to fix it, which I fulfilled, but it was then seemingly ignored.

    Attached are two screenshots, the first to show the original appeal and then the request for more information, and the second screenshot to both show the timely fulfillment of that request (which is cropped out just because I can't get it all in one screenshot) , as well as the update made later. This is all available in the original appeal thread, but I have added them here just for convenience's sake.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    In your original appeal, you listed 2 alt accounts, so you clearly understood what we were asking for. In that post, you withheld at least 1 account that was specifically created for the purpose of scamming, and did not amend your statement until after the admin called you out for not listing all accounts 3 weeks later. It's clear to see why the admin felt that you were intentionally withholding information requested, in hopes we wouldn't know or find out about it. As such, the appeals admin did not violate policy.

    However, I recognize you came clean after that. While there's reason to believe you tried to lie by omission, we've often given a single warning or reminder about the appeal policy regarding alts in the past. Seeing that you did provide the requested alt accounts in your second response, I am inclined to agree that, while you likely lied by omission, you did not provably intend to lie by omission. Since no other reason was provided when your appeal was rejected, I will grant you permission to submit a new appeal.

    Bear in mind:
    • Granting an appeal review does not guarantee a favorable outcome in your subsequent appeal. We only evaluate whether procedure was followed in appeal reviews, not whether your ban should be lifted.
    • In a future appeal, the admin will expect that you have fully reviewed and understood our appeal policy.
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