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Accepted Appeal Review for 76561198287393567 (Seto)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by ▲Seto▲, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. ▲Seto▲

    ▲Seto▲ Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal Review Request
    Reminder: Appeal reviews are not appeals!

    Reason for Appeal Review: New evidence not produced in your original appeal
    Past Appeal: https://forums.steamrep.com/threads/appeal-76561198287393567-▲seto▲-banned-by-sr.179890/

    Steam profile: 76561198287393567 (Seto)

    Make your case:
    I was quite young (16) when I made that appeal. I am 20 now. Yes, not a huge gap but I was pretty immature back then and my English used to be worse. I am still not that mature nor has my English reached its peak but I believe it's enough for now to try so please give me a second chance to try to explain it again. It was immediately after I got my account back so I did not think it through while making it. I want to elaborate more on what happened and say more about the screenshots I provided back then. I provided screenshots but didn't say much about it which was also an important thing I should have said when I posted my first appeal. Like it was a steam guard code I sent only after 2 more had expired.
    Those 2 screenshots I attached are ones I clicked right now. Just to show I still have access to the old email and also the google account linked to my account. As you can see, I can't view the old support tickets anymore so I will be reusing my old screenshots I gave for that part if I am granted. Those are the screenshots I want to explain.​

    Attached Files:

  2. Lava

    Lava Public Relations SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Reviewing the evidence provided, it appears that the admin may have misunderstood your story and felt you "willfully loaned" your account to someone who later abused your account. Wilful sharing or buying/selling/transferring of accounts in any fashion is an absolute automatic deny by SteamRep policy, and you bear full responsibility for whatever someone does when that happens. If that happened, the admin would be right for denying your appeal, but it doesn't look like that's what you were trying to claim in your original appeal though.

    As such, I am authorizing a new appeal. Bear in mind:
    • Granting an appeal review does not guarantee a favorable outcome in your subsequent appeal. We only evaluate whether procedure was followed in appeal reviews or whether circumstance warrants voiding a prior decision and allowing a new appeal in its place, not whether your ban should be lifted in the first place.
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