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Archived Attempted Scam (76561198058365541)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Holographic Charizard, Jun 2, 2013.

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  1. Holographic Charizard

    Holographic Charizard New User

    | steamname: Nurse Pinkamena
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49049906
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058365541
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sexypinkiepie
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198058365541

    | steamname: iph > Holographic Charizard
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52312061
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064889851
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064889851


    Picture is of him trying to scam later on.


    This is copy and pasted from the chat log in the trade...Google Drive doesn't change any of the colors or background of the chat apparently. I made it slightly smaller so it would all fit, the only part cut off is me saying "hi".


    Here he rejoined the server and the people some people I told about it were poking fun at him. The hats he tried to scam are owned by Supah which I will explain below. His steam link is here as I was copy and pasting all of what Nurse said to him because we thought it was funny how he was trying to pull this off.

    Supah's Profile : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996374308/

    What happened:

    Supah and I joined Valve servers for some messing around. He pretended to be quitting TF2 and giving away his unusuals and "whoever traded him first would get them" and then he just traded me the hat and I would pretend to be surprised. I pretended to be a noob who had no idea what was going on. I said stuff like "Hey, what's this worth" to sell the picture that I had no idea what happened and that we didn't know each other. Supah left the server, changed his name to "OPPA GANGNAM STYLE" and rejoins. We pretend like I am about to get it scammed when the actual scammer trades me.
    Just to see what would I happen, I accepted. I had no intention of hunting for sharks or anything but just trying to get some laughs. I wouldn't really report but the scam was so obvious and kind of funny. Anyway, he tells me (as seen in the pics) that my hats (which were actually Supah's) :Familiar Fez (smoking) , Modest (cloudy moon) etc were about worth the same as his hats. He goes on to tell me that selling 2 hats is easier than how ever many I was selling.
    He tells me that the modest is worth 4.5 and his ( a Bubbling Marauder and Green Fetti Hound Dog) are worth 5 buds and that he would just take the modest. It pretty much continues like that. Later towards the end, after collecting the pics and chat logs I told him what was up and that I knew the prices.

    That's the short/long story I guess.

    I understand that it may be kind of hard to follow so please don't hesitate to add me to ask me about something or just post a reply asking me to clarify something. I would be more than glad to.

  2. Sari

    Sari Helpful Member

    Sorry but this seems like a sharking report. Steamrep doesn't cover shark reports, though you can try and report him to a community such as MannCo trading that does.
  3. Holographic Charizard

    Holographic Charizard New User

    So does this not count as scamming with any consequences unless I actually accept and lose all the items? I mean, it would be scamming and he would get the ban if I had done the trade so why doesn't it count?
  4. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Unfortunately this seems to be a shark report, Steamrep doesn't directly ban on these kind of reports but they're appreciated. However I'll have to archive your report due to this.

    I invite you, to report this kind of event into outpost and/or other trade servers such as Mann Co trading and Outpost, who handle them.

    Regardless, thank you for your report!
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