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Improper Format Attempted shark/scam, lying about prices.

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by G.J. Halestorm, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. G.J. Halestorm

    G.J. Halestorm New User

    Victim: G.J. Halestorm
    |steamID: G.J. Halestorm
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:49571655
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059409038
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Demoflamer
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059409038

    Scammer: Slender Man
    |steamID: Slender Man
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:49429419
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059124567
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198059124567

    Screenshots: http://imgur.com/0zmEg&T7H0x&vSGVK&Wctwn&8TT4p#0

    First one is in trade, second one is in chat.
    The pictures are not in order for some reason. For the actual chat it goes 3456712, and for the trade it goes 23145 (sorry about that, no idea why it happened).

    Description: I met him on a trade server yesterday, he advertised that he was buying unusuals. I had a bubbling merryweather that I offered, and he traded me. He asks how much I want, and I respond 40 keys. (This was yesterday, and sadly the trade was ingame and I have no idea how to take screenshots of steam overlays, I apologize >.<). He then offers 2 bills and claims there worth 25 keys each. Me, playing dumb, asks him questions, and he replies them with outright lies. For example he says buds are worth 8 keys and bills are 25 and I got them mixed up. From here I was obviously quite suspicious so I looked at his backpack. Whaddya know, its private. I get him to add me after that, so I can get him to say again what he said yesterday in chat so I can actually get screens.
    By the screens you can obviously tell he's outright lying now, claiming his second bills is "untradeable". This is an obvious scam attempt.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Wednesday, November 14, 2012
    9:34 PM - Slender Man: Hello
    Slender Man had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    9:35 PM - Slender Man: :/
    9:35 PM - G.J. Halestorm: huh?
    9:35 PM - Slender Man: Just sayign hi
    9:35 PM - Slender Man: saying*
    9:35 PM - Slender Man: its me from yesterday.
    9:35 PM - Slender Man: We where trading.
    9:35 PM - G.J. Halestorm: oh yeah
    You have accepted the trade request from Slender Man.
    9:36 PM - Slender Man: Instead of my bill only for ur unusual i added something that ima gift wrap,ima try to display it.
    9:37 PM - Slender Man: Do you know how to display item in chat?
    9:37 PM - Slender Man:  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059124567/inventory/#440_2_1267024689
    9:37 PM - Slender Man: There
    9:37 PM - Slender Man: Ima give you that as well
    9:37 PM - Slender Man: in a gift
    9:37 PM - Slender Man: and then this
    9:37 PM - Slender Man:  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059124567/inventory/#440_2_1176590060
    9:38 PM - G.J. Halestorm: hmmm
    9:39 PM - Slender Man: This will also prove i dont scam and then i can become loyal and then we can continue our trades.
    9:40 PM - Slender Man: Deal?
    Slender Man is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Slender Man is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    9:46 PM - Slender Man: Will you accept this trade?
    9:48 PM - Slender Man: Accept?
    9:51 PM - Slender Man: There to help you think i put a howl description of the trade in our trade chat
    Slender Man is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    9:53 PM - Slender Man: Ill give you 2 bills for your unusul,one right here,and one thats not tradable,ill have to send it to you after we do this trade,the reason why its not tradable is because i put a exorcism potion on it and it was untradable,exorcism makes ghosts come out of you when you die,or makes ghosts come out of your enemy when you kill them.The ghost colors can be blue,orange,black.
    9:53 PM - Slender Man: Im only posting that there so i can go trade while i wait
    9:55 PM - G.J. Halestorm: So your bills are 25 keys each because of the paint and the spell?
    9:55 PM - G.J. Halestorm: Is it like a rare paint or something?
    9:55 PM - Slender Man: The spell is very rare and there not common to see
    9:56 PM - Slender Man: the paint is like a little bonus
    9:56 PM - Slender Man: Deal?
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