he used a third party tool so when i was trading with him, in his bp all of his items were clean. i had a gen.menpo (worht 1-2keys) and he scammed me for a dirty yellow anger (1-2 ref). when it completed the trade and said it was dirty i did 4 things. i asked him to retrade. he called me a f✿✿✿✿✿ loser and it was my own fault. i tried -repping him on his profile, but i couldnt get it to post.so i came here to make him pay. i would realy like to see this kid banned, but yet i feel even thats a too harsh punishment. i just want this kid to be listed as a scammer, so that the menpo stays in his inventory forever. please voice your opinion on this as if you agree with me,
Thank you for the report, but unfortunately SteamRep doesn't accept shark reports. You may have better luck reporting this issue to an affiliated community that does accept shark reports, such as AF2, MCT, or UTC. Links to said communities (in order): http://forums.acefortress.com/ http://manncotrading.com/ http://www.unusualtradingcommunity.com/ Marking as archived.