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Rejected BBoothie suspected alt of "Quit" girl.

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by BBoothie, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. BBoothie

    BBoothie New User


    Earlier today, I tried to add a player called Trippymoons. I added him in reason to offer for his hats/earbuds. He started questioning me why I had these earbuds with such a small amount of time played and I was overly concerned with his constant harassment and critical false proclaimed judgement. I ended up deleting him thinking nothing of it. Later, I tried to join my daily trade server and I couldn't log on because it said "Banned you've been marked as a SCAMMER." I later searched and found this website. I checked the recent posts on the forums and found Trippymoons posting a false thread about me being some guy called "Quit." I actually had contact with Quit (Cpthemonstergamer) and thus the reason I have been marked as a scammer. "Quit" (Cpthemonstergamer) was an Admin on a server that I used to play on, it was the first real server that I enjoyed and many staff on the server helped me get used to the game (at the time I was noobish :p). I remember joining in the server and overhearing a discussion about buds/bills/keys/ref and whatsoever. I quickly joined the conversation and they explained to me what the Mannconomy was. I was highly intrigued and wanted my first "Hat". I tried to figure out how I could make some metal myself but I didn't have many weapons and was "Poor" in game. I remember Cpthemonstergamer explaining how he wanted to go off to college or some technical school and he was looking to sell his whole backpack. At the time, I had just received my paycheck from work, I believe it was on a Thursday. I am not going to disclose the amount of my paycheck (don't want anyone to chuckle xD) but I easily had over $90. Cpthemonstergamer had asked if anyone was interested in purchasing his backpack and I was. He was willing to sell his whole backpack for a value of $30 per bud. He checked the value of his backpack @ $90 USD and I asked my friend if this was accurate and after about a half hour of pricechecking, he said it was a good deal (the backpack was valued @ 115 I believe from what my friend said.) So he explained his rules and whatsoever how he was asking to receive the payment and I willingly (being a noob) went first and sent him the gift of $90 USD. About an hour later he messaged me saying he received the payment and he traded me EVERYTHING in his backpack. Now, today in age I am being blamed for one of my friends actions. I am not going to lie, I believed Cpthemonstergamer was a great mentor and friend but you guys have him marked as a scammer. I don't really care about his previous actions because I am not here to defend my extinct friend. I am here to defend myself. I am coming clean saying that I purchased Cpthemonstergamer's backpack for $90 USD (3 buds @ $30 ea). No, he didn't scam me because if he did, I wouldn't have had any of his items in my backpack. I had every single weapon, miscs, hat, scrap he ever owned. I am sorry that I have to make this thread for I am just wasting your time, because I shouldn't be in this situation. I can understand where Trippymoons was coming from but I never knew a guy "Quit", I knew Cpthemonstergamer which ended up quiting and changing his name. So if there is any items in my inventory that can relate to "Quit"/Cpthemonstergamer they were from the $90 Transaction we had before he obviously quit the game for school/university he attended. I hope that my appeal gets accepted for I have not scammed anyone. I wish I could have purchased 3 buds from someone who wasn't marked a scammer so I wouldn't have a target on my back...

    Thanks for your time, sorry for the lengthyness :p
    In regards, Nick
  2. SudasGalva

    SudasGalva New User

  3. BBoothie

    BBoothie New User

    Okay I made a new one, thanks
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    OutPost IP: Quit (
    SR IP: BBoothie

    New accnt, matching IPs, all items form the other accnt magically bought form someone you didn't know on the internet who also happens to use your internet connection.
    Ya, nice story bro.

    Denied for playing dumb and lying during appeal.

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