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Improper Format Be Careful Crazy Russian Scam in Dota 2

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by A-_-obidaimest-_-, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. A-_-obidaimest-_-

    A-_-obidaimest-_- New User

    mW `| labster or AндpeйXилepEдинopoгoв



    Russian guy with very poor knowledge of English language doing crazy things. For sure he deserve to have a red mark at his steam for scam issues.

    He use North America room for trade in Dota 2. Offer Greevil Egg will 3 Unusual Essences inside.

    He do print screen if you ask with 2 eggs but in fact he have 17 eggs and play with that.

    His screen:


    He did it and actually its my bad that I didn't seen in DotA client myself in his friend list, so he good in it.

    So he gave me just an empty egg for mythical and very expensive rare items:


    This is what I've got:


    Just empty egg with out any essence in it (even common :D).

    Also when I got that he scam me - I've start to complaint so he block me.

    After a while I add him again (another account but same name and same message in chat), and he start play that he really don't remember me and it was someone else who use his name but trade history says that this is the same guy. He use same kind of message in trade room.

    His second account where he keeps all eggs - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054633732


    Proof that he got many eggs:


    I think this guy use 2 accounts to play with that and transfer egg with unusual essence from one to another.

    STEAMREP.COM - please help us to fight with these kind of people.
